Dec 31, 2013
2013 has been...........
At the start of the year, I was less than a month remove from graduating college. I was on top of the world. After endless test, paper, projects and finals, I finally could say that I was a college graduate. I believed that with this degree, I would have no problem landing any job. Boy was I wrong. No matter what job I put in for, I got turn down for it. It seem like I got these two reasons everything i got turned down for a job. 1. Well since you have a degree, you should be working for our home office not us. 2. You don't have enough experience to work here. I mean it got to a point were I got rejected by Target, Burger King, and Mickey Ds. Like who really gets turned down by fast food places, but that besides the point. Needless to say, I heard that for 8 long months. Then one day, someone finally decided to give me a chance and gave me at job. Now the job is def not the best/ideal job but i am grateful for it none the less, even though it is part time and it pages minimum wage. The struggle is real y'all. this is not the only transition that took place this year.
During my 8 months of being jobless, another transition began to happen. I made a mental transition. When all that free time. I really had time to think. Think about what was I doing with my life. Think about why I had such a hard time finding a job. Thinking when was my time to shine will come. These are just a few of the things I kept thinking about. Then one day out of the blue, one thought came to mind that i had never considered before. "Trust in the process" Now grant it, I had no idea what things meant what so ever. Then as life kept happening, that one thought kept popping up in my mind. As that thought kept popping up, I started to understand what that means to me. No matter what happens in life, there is no such thing as a bad experience. Everything that we go thru has a purpose. The experience will help us grow as a person, to bring something to our eyes, and/or to teach us a lesson. After i realized this, things I used to stress about and worry about just did not matter any more. I know that something bigger and better will come and i just need to trust in the process.
One of most noticeable transition that had in 2013 was my weight loss. For most of my life, I have always been a big dude. No matter much my family and friends told me I need to drop some pounds, I did not pay them no mind. I was ok with being big. Then one day, it clicked in my mind that I am 24 years old. That fact made me want to make a change. The reason behind that was a girl I went to school with died at that same age. I had saw her on a random saturday night, and then the next day, I got a phone call that she had die in her sleep. She was 24, and she was overweight just like me. When that popped in my mind back in the beginning of 2013, I knew I had to make a change. I have a lot of things that i want to do, and i have a feeling that there is something major in life that I am meant to do and i can't let nothing stand in my way. So i changed up my diet, began drinking a gallon of water everyday, and started working out. Since then i have drop some weight and gotten healthier. I still have a ways to go but at least I am on the right track.
Last but not least, i think i have started to make a transition when it comes to my feelings. For the longest, I have always said I never wanted to get married and i never wanted to have kids. I guess my reason behind this is I did not want to end up being one of those dudes who have a kids and leave them. I figured that the only way to avoid that is to be alone. For the longest i was ok with this. Then one day all of that changed. If you want more insight into that, read my previous post nothing was the same. This year, i have slowly wanting to get marry and have kids. If i could talk to my younger and told himself that, my younger self would give me the hardest side eye known to man. I guess that all comes with getting older. You don't want to stay single forever and start to have all those love feelings. Those are the worst at times.
So there you have it. That was basically my 2013 in a nutshell. I guess the theme of that year was transition. These transitions were all over the place 2013. In the long run, they made me a better person. They helped my to grow and evolve as a person. I can really say that i am not the say person that I was in the beginning of 2013. So thank you 2013 for all of the things you taught me. Thank you for everything that you showed me and for showing me what I am capable of. Hell without 2013, this blog would never have been created. I honestly believe that even though 2013 has been not the best yer for me, it was gotten me prepare for all the greatness that 2014 has in store for me. Heres to you, the year full of transitions aka 2013.
Dec 30, 2013
Wake up Mr. West
Dec 20, 2013
Dear "Real World"
Dear "Real World",
First and foremost, FUCK YOU!!!!!! FUCK you for the lies you tell, the dreams you have crushed, and the billions upon billions of people you have under your control. You strive off of the fears and weaknesses of others, and in turn, you use these things to control the same people you claim you want to see succeed. Your high standard of the mood that a person should be and look like is nothing but lies upon lies upon lies. You have people to think that getting a degree will insure a person to a great/high playing job. What you don't mention is the large amount of debt that millions of people will be enslaved to after getting that degree, and having that degree will not promise you that high paying job. You also forgot to mention that with that degree, some jobs will not hire you because of it.
You have people slaving away at a bullshit jobs just to get buy. You make people living in a world built for one type of people instead of all types of people. You want people to live in a black and white world, but nothing in this world is made to be just black and white. You have people settling for less than they are destined for. You have folks working a dull 9 to 5 so they insure job security instead of looking for a career or starting up their own business. For that, you should be a shame.
Even though you have most people fooled, you do not have every one fooled. Slowly but sure, people are starting to see thru the illusion that you have been casting for such a long time. People are really starting to rise up. More and more, we are seeing people are breaking against the rules that you have set into place and setting a some new rules. They are showing that there is another way to gain success than the way that you said. They are showing that their isn't a way a person should look to be successful. They are showing that with a dream, faith, and hardwork, anything is possible. Really they are showing that anybody, no matter who you are, can achieve their goals and dreams.
So in close, once again real world, FUCK YOU! Even though you are still a powerful force, I feel that one day your region of terror will be over. People will wake up, live out their dreams, and truly live out their life. So until then real world, I have no choice but to go by your rules right now. When I do become successful, my success story will inspire others to follow their dreams/passion and find their own way to success. So beware real world, BEWARE!!!!!!
An unplug rebel
Dec 12, 2013
25 years of lessons
Boy ol boy, yesterday has been a great one. As I tune in to this show on mtv, I begin to recap my day. First and foremost, it was my 25th bornday. I didn't do too much for it. I went out for breakfast with my family, got a new phone, went to the barbershop, hanged with some friends at the movies, went out to dinner, and went a pool hall. All and all, I had a pretty great day. Throughout the day, I thought about everything that I have been throughout these 25 years of living, whether it was good, bad, or a little bit of both. As I was thinking, a few main points stuck out to me that has really impacted me. So I thought I would share a few of the lessons that I have learned thus far in this journey called life.
1. Put god first
There was times in life that we have hit rock bottom, lost in the darkness, and feels like the world is against them. I certainly know that I have felt like that at one time or another. The only thing that has kept my head above water is god. It hasn't/wasn't nothing that I done to deserve his mercy but nonetheless, he saw fit to deliver me from my hardest times. Now I not saying that following God will make everything good because you will get tested at times. Just keep him first and know that everything will work out for the best.
2. Be yourself, no matter what others think
Now this lesson took me a while to learn. It took me till I got to college to understand this. Now don't get me wrong. Before college, I was still the same werid, odd, a less random person that I am now. I think the main reason I didn't embrace myself was due to others. I did have a few friends pre college while being myself. Now when i got to college, I didn't change anything about me. In fact, being my weird, odd self actually gained me some of the best friends that i have now. Just be yourself. Real people will like you for who you are. I would rather have a few friends that like the real me then a lot of friends that like a fake me.
3. Karma is REAL
I can't stress this fact enough. You get what you put out into the world. If you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you do bad things, well expect bad things to happen to you. No one escape from karma judgement. Just because you get away with something in the eyes of humans doesn't mean you will have the same luck with karma. One of the funniest thing about karma is that it doesn't always come back at you the way you dish it out. The affects could be minor or it could be major. Remember there is a consequence for every action that you do.
4. Don't be afraid of love
Lets face it. At one put or anothor, we will all fall in love. To some people that is a scary thought because love is one of the beautiful/scariest thing known to man kind. To this day, love is the one factor in life that we as humans have no control over what so ever. It comes without warning and you have no control over who you fall in love with. With all that in mind, don't be afraid of love. My friend once told me that you have to find someone that is worth diving in the pool of love with. If you find someone that you really care about with all your heart, tell that person because that person just might feel the same way about you. Even if they don't, don't give up on love. I would rather hear a no than to life in a world of "what if". Love will happen to you when it is supposed to and when you least expect it to. Just let love find you.
5. Trust in the process
I believe one of the most used phrases known to man is "everthing happens for a reason". At first I didn't believe it. I thought it was just something that folks said. As I became older, that phrase started to become true. The reason why we go through these is to teach us a lesson, to make us stronger, to help us to grow, and to bring certain things to our attention that needs our focus. We never understand why things happen to us while we are going through it, but afterwards it all makes sense to us. That why I said trust in the process because you never know what you will get from your process.
So there you have it folks. These are just a few of many lessons that I have learned over the past 25 years. These have molded me in to the person that I am today. As I continue to live, there will be other life lesson to be learn, new experiences to be had, more trails to face, and other things life will throw at you. At the end of the day, learn from the lessons that life gives you and grow to be a better person each day that you live
Nov 28, 2013
Things that I am thankful for
So today is thanksgiving. Across the USA, people are sitting at their tables, eating some good food, getting their drink on, and watching football. By now, most people are suffering from that food induced sleeping condition known as the ITIS. As we gather with our family, friends and love ones to enjoy this holiday, lets not forget to remember one of the main aspects of this holiday, which is to be thankful. Some folks have a lot to be thankful for, and some have a few things to be thankful for. Nether the this, we all have something to be thankful for. So in honor of this day, I thought I will list a few of this day that I am thankful on this holiday season.
1. First and foremost, I am thankful for god. He has been there for me at all tlimes even when I wasn't the best child and believer. He has gotten me through some tough times and I am truly thankful for his grace, mercy, and patience with me.
2. I am thankful for my family. Even though they gey on my nevres at times, I wouldn't trade them for the world.
3. I am thankful for my true friends. We joke at each other, we sometimes get in arguments, but at the end of the day, I know without a doubt they will be there for me when I need them the most . They accept me for who i am and they don't try to change me. The y are more than just friends, they are my family.
4. Even though its not my ideal one, I am thankful for my job. I know that a better one is on the way so until then, I going to stay with this one because it better them not having one at all.
5. I am thankful for this process called life. Through the ups and downs, and curveball, life has been good to me for the most part.
6. I am thankful for the fact I went to college. Not for the degree I earned, but for the valuable lessons that I learned along the way. The most important lesson I is that it is okay to be myself and their are people who will like me for it.
7. I am thankful for being an original. An original will always be more valuable than a copy.
8. Last but not least, I am thankful for the future and what it has in store. I know the future at times seems scart, but I actually looking forward to it. I feel/know that greatness is in store for me. I am on the verge of greatness and success maybe not right now but sooner or later it will happen.
So here are just a few things that I am thankful/grateful for on this Thanksgiving season. What are some of the things you are thankful for on this day?
Oct 29, 2013
Nothing was the same
So exactly six years ago on this very date, a young 18 old me was enjoying being a freshman at fort valley stage university aka the valley. Everything was so new to me, and I was slowly but surely getting used to these new changes. I had people who actually liked me for my weirdness and I was in the cool crowd believe it or not. I was loving every single moment of this. The feeling of having a taste of freedom was a new experience for me. It seemed the stars had aligned in the heavens, and things were going great/amazing for me. Nothing could possibility could elevate the feeling of fitting in or just being me at all times, or so I thought. On October 30 2007, six years ago, I met/was introduced to someone and since then, nothing has been the same.
This day was on a Tuesday, and during this time I only had two classes to go to so by 12 pm, I would be done for the day. Now around this time, I would go straight from my last class to the cafe to get something to eat. So after I got my eat on, and I was heading back to my room when I bumped into my homie. When I saw him, he was talking to a female. Now usually he is always talking to someone, so I really did not pay the girl no mind. As I was about to head back to my room, my homie asked me to hang with them. Of course I had nothing better to do so I waent a long with them. As we are walking, we stopped by the girl dorm before heading to my homie's place. So we take the short cut by to his place, and during this time, the two of them are talking up a storm. So five minutes later we get to my homie's place. I sit on the couch and the females sits on the other end of the couch.
After a while, my amigo goes to the bathroom for a good minute. So while this was going on, the girl starts talking to me. She ask me the normal first time meeting. You know what I mean, "how old are you, where are you from, what you like to do, and what's your major. " I answered all of these questions and ask her all of the same questions. So we have a good conversation and everything, then she ask me do I have a girlfriend. I tell her no, and when I was about to ask her if she got a boyfriend, my homie's roommate comes over, gets in the middle of us and start talking to her. Needless to say, he killed the whole vibe of the convo that the female and I had. My homie comes out of his room, and we take her back to her room before we head off to Warner Robins. After that, I figured I probably wouldn't bump into her again. Boy was I dead wrong.
The next day, I run into her after my last class of the day. She said hey to me and asked if I remembered her name. At this point, I feel bad because she remembered my name and I didn't remember her name. She tells me her name again and we spark up a small convo. Afterwards I head to my room. Later that night, I bump into her again before heading to a halloween party. She was with her friend and I was with my friends. We talked again, and we parted ways again. We met up at the Halloween party twice and on both occasions, some how we ended up dancing. After the party, we said our goodbyes and parted ways yet again.
Now over the next few weeks, we would run into each other and talk to ome another. We exchange numbers and occasionally texted each other. We would hangout with our friends or just the two of us. We would eat dinner at the cafe, and if there was something happening on campus, we would check it out if it was were free. She came to my birthday party before the semester was over and during Christmas break, we talked like twice. When we got back from break, we became cooler and hanged out more. She was always there for me and I truly appreciated that. As the school year ended, we said our goodbyes and parted ways for the summer.
Before the new school year started, she called me to see if I was back at school and just the to catch up. As the semester took place, a lot of things were going on with me and I didn't want to around basically no one. I was in a really bad place in my life during this time, and it seemed like it was my cross to bare along. Because of this, I pushed a lot of people away, including her. I just stopped talking to her, and hanging with her. All she wanted to know what was going on, and why I stopped talking/hanging with her. I didn't want to tell her, so I just left her alone and ignored her. At the time, i honestly thought I was during the right thing for her by not being near or around her. I didn't want to drag her in to my own problems. This lasted the whole semester. By the time Christmas break, I just told her whay was going on and told her I was sorry. She forgave me and we were cool once again. Before the new semester started, I decided to take some time off from school to deal with some problems. Before I left, I saw her, she asked if I was okay, then she gave me and hug and smiled. That was the last time I saw her.
While I was away, I started to miss her. I don't know why but I really did mise her. I talked to her every once in a while via text, and I was cool with that. When I was away, one of the main reasons I wanted to returned was just to see her. Unfortunately, that would not happen. When I told her I was returing back to for valley, she told me that she had transferred to another school. Of course I was sad about this, but at the same time, I was happy because she was doing what made her happy. I would text her once a month just to talk and that was cool. After awhile, we lost touch with one another and I thought that was the end of the story, but occasionally, she would inbox me on Facebook. I would be happy to be able to talk to her and catch up with her.
All during this time, I would starting thinking about her at days at a time. She would be the only thing I would thing about, and I would start to miss her like crazy. I don't know why, but I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Its like I was missing a part of me or something like that. I would be cool, and then in a second, I will be foused only her. I have tried to stop caring and stop thinking of her, but it just not happening. This has been goning on for years and I see no end to this at all. As soon as I get back to normal, something reminds me of her or she hits me up and I am back at square one once again. I told my best friend about this she always tell me that I am in love. I don't know how true this is. All I know is this female is on my mind 80% of the time and sometimes my heart only wants to be with her.
So what does it all means? To be honest, I truly don't know. All I can do is just play my cards and see what happens from there. At this point in our lives, we are at two very different stages in our lifes. Hell we are not even in the same continent anymore. I truly don't know what wll of this means. As soon as I believe I have things figure out, theres is a curve ball thrown at me. Will this all out for the better? Who knows to be honest. All I know is everything happens for a reason. What the reason for all of this? Well, as soon as I figured that out I will let yall know. At the end, this day will always hold a special place to me. Till this day, I can remember everything that happened on this day like it just happened. From the things we talked about to the clothes that she wore, every detail is etched into the depths of my mind,heart, and soul. This will always be known as the day that I met some one who at time I didn't realize how special they were be to me. Eventuality, I feel that everything will work out for the best. So until then, I guess this saga of my life will continue to play out the way that it is meant to play out.
Oct 21, 2013
At the end, what will your line say about you?
I have been meaning to do this post for a few days now, but between working, and looking for new job, I really haven't been focused enough to actually do it. Well since I have some free time, now is a better time to go ahead with this. About two ago, i saw the tribute episode of glee to Cory Monteith and his character Finn Hudson. For those who don't know, Glee is one of my favorite shows and Cory was one of the biggest stars on the show. Unfortunately, Cory died this year due to an accidental overdose. As the Glee cast honored and said goodbye to Cory's character, one scene from this show stuck out the most to me. Towards the end of the episode, one of the characters named puck said something while he was at the memorial tree that was planted in Finn's honor. As he was talking to coach beast and looking at Finn's memorail, he says to the coach that the most important thing isn't the numbers that state when you leave and die. The most important thing is the line between the numbers. Afterwards, puck hops on his bike and coach beast tells him to have a good line. That one scene had me thinking about what will my line say about me.
Now I am still young. So far, my line will say that I was a good friend, a good family person, a college graduate, and working a part time job. I really haven't done anything big/major and I still in the process of becoming the man that I know I can be. Now some of yall who are reading this are probably thinking I have my whole to have a great line. That's the thing, no one knows how long or short their line will be. We see these days that people are dropping like flies everywhere you look. Some people are old and some are young that are dying each and every day. Who is to say that I won't be one of the young who left this earth before reaching their potential. One of my biggest fears is that I will not live up to the potential that others see in me or, more importantly, not achieving the potential and greatest that I know I process.
I always tell people that all I am trying to do is live life, be great, and do dope shit. What that saying boils down to is three simple things: 1. I want to live my life to the fullest so I won't look back on my life and llive in the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" world. 2. In every thing I do, no matter how big or small it may be, I want to be the best/greatest to do it. 3. I want to do dope/cool/great stuff. I don't want to be one of the people that just reads about history. I want to be the person that creates history. I want to create an empire of greatness that will stand the test of time. Most people may not see that this is possible, but I see examples that proves the doubters wrong. People from all walks of life prove that with hard work, passion, and drive, the seeming impossible can be achieve and become possible. That is exactly what I want to do.
As the the days come closer to my 25th born day, I begin to reflect on these years that I have lived. In all, I have lived a pretty normal/good life. Its only in the past year that I have really wanted more out of my life than just a regular life with a normal 9 to 5 while others follow thier dreams and make an impact in the world. I know people that I know that are doimg this exact thing. They are starting businesses, companies, and movements that can and will be major millistones in the upcoming years and decades. As my 25th born day comes, I plan to live a more full filling life. I plan to stop watching history and start making history. I want to build an empire/legacy that will stand the test of time. I think the 3 most important things I want to achieve with the remaining of my life is become successful, be a person that someone can look up to and inspire them to do great things, and mostly importantly, be the best version of me thqt I can possibly can be. All these things and more is what I want my line to say qbout me when it is all say and done.
Oct 11, 2013
Things I dont get part 4 section b
Sep 19, 2013
Things I don't get part 4 section a
Sep 12, 2013
The day that changed everything
Now my mind was thinking about all the loses and happened on that day. On my way to work, I also began to remember something else that happened that day. On that day, America and its people truly became one. All of the things that divided us as country seemed to disappear. Who you are, what race you are, what kind of upbringing you had, whether you are gay or straight, none of that mattered on that day. The only thing that mattered to people is who they could help one another. The fire fights the police, and the EMTs did not care about who you were, they only wanted to save a person's life. The doctors and nurses did not care about your background, they only wanted to say a person's life. The thousand of people who gave blood did not care if you were gay or straight, they only wanted to save a person's life. The people who gave their life to save others did not care any of these things, all they wanted to say a person's life. Despite all of the death, sadness, and destruction that occurred on that day, the act of unity and selflessness provided a bean of light on that day full of darkness.
So on this 12 year anniversary of the attack on the world trade center, I will remember the tragic event that happened on that day but I will also remember the lessons that were taught on that day as well. I learned that when we as a people as a country come together as one, there is nothing that we cannot do. I learned that what divides us is not what matters at the end of the day. I learned that even in the most darkness times, there is always hope that will shine through it. And the most important thing i learned on that day is at the end of the day, despite everything, when are people and we truly do care about one another.
Aug 28, 2013
Keep your foot on the neck of the competition
Now even through this is Big Sean's song, the main reason why this song is on the mind of the hip hop world is due to Kendrick Lamar verse. On his verse, there are two main verse that have him in the mouth of so many hip hop heads. First, he said he was the king of the West Coast and the King of New York. Then he called out a lot of hip hop giants int the game right now. He said ,
"I'm usually homeboys with the same niggas I'm rhymin' wit
But this is hip hop and them niggas should know what time it is
And that goes for Jermaine Cole' Big KRIT, Wale
Pusha T, Meek Millz, A$AP Rocky, Drake
Big Sean, Jay Electron', Tyler, Mac Miller
I got love for you all but I'm tryna murder you niggas
Tryna make sure your core fans never heard of you niggas
They don't wanna hear not one more noun or verb from you niggas
What is competition? I'm tryna raise the bar high"
Now because of this, a lot of people feel that Kendrick is dissing this said names.At first glace, it does sound like this but if you really listen to the verse, he is actually giving these artist a complement.
Jul 31, 2013
Things I don't get part 3
Jul 15, 2013
Together we stand, divided we fall
May 31, 2013
Trapped inside the matrix
May 17, 2013
Things I dont get part 2
Apr 30, 2013
The Matrix
I found it interesting how some movies can describe certain or current views of our lives. Now most people would tend to have a realistic movie reflect their lives. It is rare that a SCI fi/fiction movie can describe our modes or our view points at the time. Well at the moment, the movie that I can relate to, at the moment, is the matrix. Now I bet you wondering how this movie applies to me. Well since you asked, I guess I will tell y'all.
In the matrix, Neo has a normal 9 to 5 like everyone else. When he meets Morpheus, he world gets turned upside down. Neo is offered two choices; take the blue pull and keep living the life he is living or take the red pill and learn the truth. After taking the red pill, Neo awakens in the true world where the machines have taken over the world and humans are plugged into the matrix while being used as batteries for the machines. Now that you have a brief some what description of the movie, let's continue.
As I see it, at one point in life everyone is Neo. Right now, I'm Neo. For the most part of my life, I have been plugged into the matrix. Now everyone have their own matrix. Mine so happened to be school. Now I did the whole college route to in the hopes of getting a job. After I took the red pill aka graduated from college, I entered the real world. Boy I tell you life outside the matrix is no joke. You have bills to pay, student loans to pay, and other less desirable adult like things while trying to find my way in life.
While finding my way, I deal with my fair share of Agent Smith. Agent Smith was in charge of keep law and order in the matrix and fight the resistance. My Agent Smith consist of folks who want me to plug back into the matrix by saying either go to grad school or work at one of these jobs that basically turn you into a corporate robot. Ain't no one got time for that.
That's how the matrix applies to my life. As I continue to fight the matrix aka making it in the real world, I hope and pray I can find my way while also unplugging folks from the matrix.
Apr 13, 2013
Things I don't get
The problem I see is that most black females are want a nigga with real man qualities. They want a guy with a nigga mind set that will treat them how a real man treats her will honor, respect, and all that other good stuff. In my 24 years of life, I have never ever seen a nigga treat a women right. You can't expect a grown man who is known not to be faithful, not have a job, got a tom kids, and no ambition to change just because you with him now. Then after the female finally realize this, they develop a case of MBWS aka Mad Black Woman Syndrome. At this phrase, all men in their eyes are "niggas" and can't be trusted.
When a real man comes to them, they will either get the cold shoulder, disrespected, get put in the friend zone, or simply get looked over for that nigga. After this happens a few times, the real man will either become a nigga, or commit the number one sin in the eyes of 7 out 10 black a white female.
At the end of the day, there are real men in the world ladies. They will treat you right, support you, and give you everything they have to make you happy. When you meet him, don't chose a nigga over him, or let MBWS cloud your judgment. If you do, you will probably join the "where the real men" club along work the millions of other African American females.