Sep 19, 2013

Things I don't get part 4 section a

Freaks and Greeks, once again we are back at it. Y'all know the routine; I go on about something I don't get and y'all read it and probably think either "yeah he got a point" or "what the fuck is he talking about".  Nonetheless, let's get on with the show. I been meaning to blog this since this event happened but with work taking up my time these days, I had not had time but I do now. So earlier this month, gucci mane had Twitter and these cyber streets ablaze with his digital rampage. Now being somewhat entertained by this negrodom and hurting my head trying to read/understand Gucci tragic excuse for tweets, I began to think to myself he sure is putting a lot of folks "business" out there. Then when he later retweeted his brother tweet about Gucci account being hacked, I thought to myself "I figured that would happened". So because of Gucci Mane, this installment of Things I don't get will be broken down into two subjects that relate to that blog worthy event.

So in this post I deal with the dangers of sharing your business with everybody. Now for a good three to five hours, Gucci Mane went on a twitter rampage. He went after everybodies, from rocko to waka. No was safe from the slander he was dashing out. Hell, even Obama could have gotten hit with some slander form Gucci. The two people who received the most slander from Gucci Mane was no other than rocko and Nicki Minaj. When it comes to rocko, I do not know exactly what he was saying because his broken english prevented me from understanding the just of the his tweets. From what i did understand, apparently Rocko had ran up on him and this drove off. Then he went after Nicki saying that he paid her $60 bucks for sex. After this both rocko and Nicki responded to him, but I won't go into all of that. Now even though all of this was fake, the whole thing was somewhat entertaining. 

Now I do not get why people get mad and then post folks business all out in the open. it amazes me how one small falling out can set off a whole twitter war, and in this war, personal info is the mot lethal weapon. What happened to dealing with personal business in person, face to face?  Long has going these days, and instead, personal issues now go to the internet for everybody to see. Then any personal info that was shared between the two gets used as a weapon. It not only hurts the person, but in the long run, it hurts you as well. By posting everyone business, you give off the impression that you cam not be trust with nothing. It also show your level of maturity as well. It also will not help your chances of making new friends and keeping your friends that you already have.

In these days of mass info sharing, nothing is a secret anymore. Anything that is said or done can and will be used against you in the cyber streets of the internet. I not saying do not tell your friends things. I just saying just be careful of what you tell people these days because what just seems to be a convo between two people can very easily turned into a weapon of mass slander.  Another then, do not let it even get to this point in the first place. if you find yourself in a fallout with someone, talk it out. If talking it out does not work, then at least be mature enough not to put that person business out for everyone to see. As the golden rule states, treat others as you would like to be treated. If you do not want your business all out there for everyone and their mommas to see, then do not to others. And on the off chance you still would do it just remember two things; 1. You are what you put into the universe 2. karma always has a way of evening the score. Now on to section b. 

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