Sep 12, 2013

The day that changed everything

Today marks the 12 year anniversary of the attack of the world trade center in NYC. As I began my usual morning routine, I saw people on social media express their feelings on this day, and also give their own account on where they were on that day.Now as I read people accounts on this day, my mind began to drift back on where was I on that day and How I felt on that day.

So on 9-11-200, I was in the 7th grade at Fort Middle School. Now on that day, we was supposed to have an open house. From the time school began on that day, all I was concerned about my mom talking to all my teachers. I mean what student actually likes for their parents to talk to their teachers. I know I didn't and still till this day i don't like that idea. So as i up in class stressing about the upcoming open house, the principal comes on the intercom, and states that the open house has been cancelled. Those were the sweets words that I heard all day. Now keep in mind that my principal didn't state why open house got cancelled, and at the time, I really did not care. So as soon as school let out, I rushed to find my mom to tell her that open house was cancelled. Without even questioning it, all she said was "I figured it would be." I had no idea what she meant by that at the time,  but little did I know those five words would have a big impact on  my world.

When I got home, all the tvs in the house was on the news station.  There was a haunting silence in the house. All you could hear was the hum of the tvs at the time. I notice everyone had a look of sadness and confusion as their face were glued to the tv. I asked what was wrong, but i got no answer. When i finally turned to see what was on tv, I couldn't believe what I had saw. First two planes crashed into the world trade center buildings. The buildings caught on fire. People began to jump out of the buildings. Then if all of this was not bad enough , the buildings that once stood tall and mighty crashed into the ground. in the blink of an eye, the world trade center was no more. As all of this was going on, I thought at first it was part of a movie trailer. No one could explain to me what was going on before my eyes.  Then one of my friends called me. That when he it all sank in: this isn't fake, this is actually happening.

Then if all of that was not bad enough, another plane hit the pentagon. Then, another plane was hijacked and crashed in PA. In a matter of moments, the whole world stood still. Never had their been an attack like this happen in America. No on knew for sure who was behind the attack. People had an idea, but no one dared to call out a name. Their was a lot of missed emotions in this tragic. While all of this was happening, my thought were on my grandparents in New York. I did not know if they were along the people that was facing this head on. Eventually, my mom got in contact with my grandparents and for a split second, things seemed to be alright in my world. As the day went on, there where reports on how many people had lost their lifes and countless reports of folks missing, and no one was really getting in contact with anyone. On this day, city that never sleeps was in everyone's thoughts as prayers.

Now my mind was thinking about all the loses and happened on that day. On my way to work, I also began to remember something else that happened that day. On that day, America and its people truly became one. All of the things that divided us as country seemed to disappear. Who you are, what race you are, what kind of upbringing you had, whether you are gay or straight, none of that mattered on that day. The only thing that mattered to people is who they could help one another. The fire fights the police, and the EMTs did not care about who you were, they only wanted to save a person's life. The doctors and nurses did not care about your background, they only wanted to say a person's life. The thousand of people who gave blood did not care if you were gay or straight, they only wanted to save a person's life. The people who gave their life to save others did not care any of these things, all they wanted to say a person's life. Despite all of the death, sadness, and destruction that occurred on that day, the act of unity and selflessness provided a bean of light on that day full of darkness.

So on this 12 year anniversary of the attack on the world trade center, I will remember the tragic event that happened on that day but I will also remember the lessons that were taught on that day as well.  I learned that when we as a people as a country come together as one, there is nothing that we cannot do. I learned that what divides us is not what matters at the end of the day. I learned that even in the most darkness times, there is always hope that will shine through it. And the most important thing i learned on that day is at the end of the day, despite everything, when are people and we truly do care about one another. 

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