Dec 31, 2013

2013 has been...........

Well here it is folks. As I look at the clock on my laptop, it is 11:50 PM EST. This means two things; There is less than 10 minutes left in 2013 and it also means there is also less than 10 minutes until 2014. As we transition from one year to another year, I get on these cyber streets and see everyone talking about how 2013 treated them. No matter what everyone said, one thing everyone shared was the fact that they were thankful for the year and they are looking forward to the year 2014. Reading these various post got me thinking what 2013 was for me me. Well to me 2013 has been a year of transition.

At the start of the year, I was less than a month remove from graduating college. I was on top of the world. After endless test, paper, projects and finals, I finally could say that I was a college graduate. I believed that with this degree, I would have no problem landing any job. Boy was I wrong. No matter what job I put in for, I got turn down for it. It seem like I got these two reasons everything i got turned down for a job. 1. Well since you have a degree, you should be working for our home office not us. 2. You don't have enough experience to work here. I mean it got to a point were I got rejected by Target, Burger King, and Mickey Ds. Like who really gets turned down by fast food places, but that besides the point. Needless to say, I heard that for 8 long months. Then one day, someone finally decided to give me a chance and gave me at job. Now the job is def not the best/ideal job but i am grateful for it none the less, even though it is part time and it pages minimum wage. The struggle is real y'all.  this is not the only transition that took place this year.

During my 8 months of being jobless, another transition began to happen. I made a mental transition. When all that free time. I really had time to think. Think about what was I doing with my life. Think about why I had such a hard time finding a job. Thinking when was my time to shine will come. These are just a few of the things I kept thinking about. Then one day out of the blue, one thought came to mind that i had never considered before. "Trust in the process" Now grant it, I had no idea what things meant what so ever. Then as life kept happening, that one thought kept popping up in my mind. As that thought kept popping up, I started to understand what that means to me. No matter what happens in life, there is no such thing as a bad experience. Everything that we go thru has a purpose. The experience will help us grow as a person, to bring something to our eyes, and/or to teach us a lesson. After i realized this, things I used to stress about and worry about just did not matter any more. I know that something bigger and better will come and i just need to trust in the process.

One of most noticeable transition that had in 2013 was my weight loss. For most of my life, I have always been a big dude. No matter much my family and friends told me I need to drop some pounds, I did not pay them no mind. I was ok with being big. Then one day, it clicked in my mind that I am 24 years old. That fact made me want to make a change. The reason behind that was a girl I went to school with died at that same age. I had saw her on a random saturday night, and then the next day, I got a phone call that she had die in her sleep. She was 24, and she was overweight just like me. When that popped in my mind back in the beginning of 2013, I knew I had to make a change. I have a lot of things that i want to do, and i have a feeling that there is something major in life that I am meant to do and i can't let nothing stand in my way. So i changed up my diet, began drinking a gallon of water everyday, and started working out. Since then i have drop some weight and gotten healthier. I still have a ways to go but at least I am on the right track.

Last but not least, i think i have started to make a transition when it comes to my feelings.  For the longest, I have always said I never wanted to get married and i never wanted to have kids. I guess my reason behind this is I did not want to end up being one of those dudes who have a  kids and leave them. I figured that the only way to avoid that is to be alone. For the longest i was ok with this. Then one day all of that changed. If you want more insight into that, read my previous post nothing was the same. This year, i have slowly wanting to get marry and have kids. If i could talk to my younger and told himself that, my younger self would give me the hardest side eye known to man. I guess that all comes with getting older. You don't want to stay single forever and start to have all those love feelings. Those are the worst at times.

So there you have it. That was basically my 2013 in a nutshell. I guess the theme of that year was transition. These transitions were all over the place 2013. In the long run, they made me a better person. They helped my to grow and evolve  as a person. I can really say that i am not the say person that I was in the beginning of 2013. So thank you 2013 for all of the things you taught me. Thank you for everything that you showed me and for showing me what I am capable of. Hell without 2013, this blog would never have been created. I honestly believe that even though 2013 has been not the best yer for me, it was gotten me prepare for all the greatness that 2014 has in store for me. Heres to you, the year full of transitions aka 2013.

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