Dec 12, 2013

25 years of lessons

Boy ol boy, yesterday has been a great one. As I tune in to this show on mtv, I begin to recap my day. First and foremost, it was my 25th bornday. I didn't do too much for it. I went out for breakfast with my family, got a new phone, went to the barbershop,  hanged with some friends at the movies,  went out to dinner, and went a pool hall. All and all, I had a pretty great day. Throughout the day,  I thought about everything that I have been throughout these 25 years of living, whether it was good,  bad, or a little bit of both. As I was thinking, a few main points stuck out to me that has really impacted me. So I thought I would share a few of the lessons that I have learned thus far in this journey called life.

1. Put god first
There was times in life that we have hit rock bottom,  lost in the darkness,  and feels like the world is against them.  I certainly know that I have felt like that at one time or another.  The only thing that has kept my head above water is god. It hasn't/wasn't nothing that I done to deserve his mercy but nonetheless,  he saw fit to deliver me from my hardest times. Now I not saying that following God will make everything good because you will get tested at times. Just keep him first and know that everything will work out for the best.

2. Be yourself, no matter what others think
Now this lesson took me a while to learn. It took me till I got to college to understand this. Now don't get me wrong. Before college,  I was still the same werid, odd, a less random person that I am now. I think the main reason I didn't embrace myself was due to others. I did have a few friends pre college while being myself. Now when i got to college, I didn't  change anything about me.  In fact, being my weird, odd self actually gained me some of the best friends that i have now. Just be yourself.  Real people will like you for who you are. I would rather have a few friends that like the real me then a lot of friends that like a fake me.

3. Karma is REAL
I can't stress this fact enough. You get what you put out into the world. If you do good things,  good things will happen to you. If you do bad things, well expect bad things to happen to you. No one escape from karma judgement. Just because you get away with something in the eyes of humans doesn't mean you will have the same luck with karma. One of the funniest thing about karma is that it doesn't always come back at you the way you dish it out. The affects could be minor or it could be major. Remember there is a consequence for every action that you do.

4. Don't be afraid of love
Lets face it. At one put or anothor, we will all fall in love. To some people that is a scary thought because love is one of the beautiful/scariest thing known to man kind. To this day, love is the one factor in life that we as humans have no control over what so ever.  It comes without warning and you have no control over who you fall in love with. With all that in mind, don't be afraid of love.  My friend once told me that you have to find someone that is worth diving in the pool of love with. If you find someone that you really care about with all your heart, tell that person because that person just might feel the same way about you. Even if they don't, don't give up on love. I would rather hear a no than to life in a world of "what if".  Love will happen to you when it is supposed to and when you least expect it to. Just let love find you.

5. Trust in the process
I believe one of the most used phrases known to man is "everthing happens for a reason". At first I didn't believe it. I thought it was just something that folks said. As I became older, that phrase started to become true. The reason why we go through these is to teach us a lesson, to make us stronger, to help us to grow, and to bring certain things to our attention that needs our focus.  We never understand why things happen to us while we are going through it, but afterwards it all makes sense to us. That why I said trust in the process because you never know what you will get from your process.

So there you have it folks. These are just a few of many lessons that I have learned over the past 25 years.  These have molded me in to the person that I am today. As I continue to live, there will be other life lesson to be learn, new experiences to be had, more trails to face, and other things life will throw at you. At the end of the day, learn from the lessons that life gives you and grow to be a better person each day that you live 

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