Dec 20, 2013

Dear "Real World"

Dear "Real World",
     First and foremost,  FUCK YOU!!!!!! FUCK you for the lies you tell, the dreams you have crushed, and the billions upon billions of people you have under your control. You strive off of the fears and weaknesses of others, and in turn, you use these things to control the same people you claim you want to see succeed. Your high standard of the mood that a person should be and look like is nothing but lies upon lies upon lies. You have people to think that getting a degree will insure a person to a great/high playing job. What you don't mention is the large amount of debt that millions of people will be enslaved to after getting that degree, and having that degree will not promise you that high paying job. You also forgot to mention that with that degree, some jobs will not hire you because of it.

      You have people slaving away at a bullshit jobs just to get buy. You make people living in a world built for one type of people instead of all types of people.  You want people to live in a black and white world, but nothing in this world is made to be just black and white. You have people settling for less than they are destined for. You have folks working a dull 9 to 5 so they insure job security instead of looking for a career or starting up their own business.  For that, you should be a shame.

        Even though you have most people fooled, you do not have every one fooled. Slowly but sure, people are starting to see thru the illusion that you have been casting for such a long time. People are really starting to rise up. More and more,  we are seeing people are breaking against the rules that you have set into place and setting a some new rules.  They are showing that there is another way to gain success than the way that you said. They are showing that their isn't a way a person should look to be successful.  They are showing that with a dream, faith,  and hardwork, anything is possible.  Really they are showing that anybody, no matter who you are, can achieve their goals and dreams.

        So in close,  once again real world,  FUCK YOU! Even though you are still a powerful force, I feel that one day your region of terror will be over. People will wake up, live out their dreams,  and truly live out their life. So until then real world,  I have no choice but to go by your rules right now. When I do become successful, my success story will inspire others to follow their dreams/passion and find their own way to success. So beware real world,  BEWARE!!!!!!

An unplug rebel

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