Apr 30, 2013

The Matrix

I found it interesting how some movies can describe certain or current views of our lives. Now most people would tend to have a realistic movie reflect their lives. It is rare that a SCI fi/fiction movie can describe our modes or our view points at the time. Well at the moment, the movie that I can relate to, at the moment, is the matrix. Now I bet you wondering how this movie applies to me. Well since you asked, I guess I will tell y'all.

In the matrix, Neo has a normal 9 to 5 like everyone else. When he meets Morpheus, he world gets turned upside down. Neo is offered two choices; take the blue pull and keep living the life he is living or take the red pill and learn the truth. After taking the red pill, Neo awakens in the true world where the machines have taken over the world  and humans are plugged into the matrix while being used as batteries for the machines. Now that you have a brief some what description of the movie, let's continue.

As I see it, at one point in life everyone is Neo. Right now, I'm Neo. For the most part of my life, I have been plugged into the matrix. Now everyone have their own matrix. Mine so happened to be school. Now I did the whole college route to in the hopes of getting a job. After I took the red pill aka graduated from college, I entered the real world. Boy I tell you life outside the matrix is no joke. You have bills to pay, student loans to pay, and other less desirable adult like things while trying to find my way in life.

While finding my  way, I deal with my fair share of Agent Smith.  Agent Smith was in charge of keep law and order in the matrix and fight the resistance. My Agent Smith consist of folks who want me to plug back into the matrix by saying either go to grad school or work at one of these jobs that basically turn you into a corporate robot. Ain't no one got time for that.

That's how the matrix applies to my life. As I continue to fight the matrix aka making it in the real world, I hope and pray I can find my way while also unplugging folks from the matrix. 

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