Oct 21, 2013

At the end, what will your line say about you?

I have been meaning to do this post for a few days now, but between working, and looking for new job, I really haven't been focused enough to actually do it. Well since I have some free time, now is a better time to go ahead with this. About two ago, i saw the tribute episode of glee to Cory Monteith and his character Finn Hudson. For those who don't know, Glee is one of my favorite shows and Cory was one of the biggest stars on the show. Unfortunately, Cory died this year due to an accidental overdose. As the Glee cast honored and said goodbye to Cory's character, one scene from this show stuck out the most to me. Towards the end of the episode,  one of the characters named puck said something while he was at the memorial tree that was planted in Finn's honor.  As he was talking to coach beast and looking at Finn's memorail, he says to the coach that the most important thing isn't the numbers that state when you leave and die. The most important thing is the line between the numbers.  Afterwards,  puck hops on his bike and coach beast tells him to have a good line.  That one scene had me thinking about what will my line say about me.

Now I am still young. So far, my line will say that I was a good friend, a good family person, a college graduate,  and working a part time job. I really haven't done anything big/major and I still in the process of becoming the man that I know I can be. Now some of yall who are reading this are probably thinking I have my whole to have a great line.  That's the thing, no one knows how long or short their line will be. We see these days that people are dropping like flies everywhere you look. Some people are old and some are young that are dying each and every day. Who is to say that I won't be one of the young who left this earth before reaching their potential. One of my biggest fears is that I will not live up to the potential that others see in me or, more importantly, not achieving the potential and greatest that I know I process.

I always tell people that all I am trying to do is  live life, be great,  and do dope shit. What that saying boils down to is three simple things: 1. I want to live my life to the fullest so I won't look back on my life and llive in the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" world. 2. In every thing I do, no matter how big or small it may be, I want to be the best/greatest to do it. 3. I want to do dope/cool/great stuff. I don't want to be one of the people that just reads about history.  I want to be the person that creates history.  I want to create an empire of greatness that will stand the test of time.  Most people may not see that this is possible, but I see examples that proves the doubters wrong.  People from all walks of life prove that with hard work, passion,  and drive, the seeming impossible can be achieve and become possible. That is exactly what I want to do.

As the the days come closer to my 25th born day, I begin to reflect on these years that I have lived. In all, I have lived a pretty normal/good life. Its only in the past year that I have really wanted more out of my life than just a regular life with a normal 9 to 5 while others follow thier dreams and make an impact in the world.  I know people that I know that are doimg this exact thing. They are starting businesses,  companies, and movements that can and will be major millistones in the upcoming years and decades. As my 25th born day comes, I plan to live a more full filling life. I plan to stop watching history and start making history.  I want to build an empire/legacy that will stand the test of time. I think the 3 most important things I want to achieve with the remaining of my life is become successful, be a person that someone can look up to and inspire them to do great things, and mostly importantly,  be the best version of me thqt I can possibly can be.  All these things and more is what I want my line to say qbout me when it is all say and done.

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