Oct 29, 2013

Nothing was the same

So exactly six years ago on this very date, a young 18 old me was enjoying being a freshman at fort valley stage university aka the valley.  Everything was so new to me, and I was slowly but surely getting used to these new changes.  I had people who actually liked me for my weirdness and I was in the cool crowd believe it or not. I was loving every single moment of this. The feeling of having a taste of freedom was a new experience for me.  It seemed the stars had aligned in the heavens,  and things were going great/amazing for me. Nothing could possibility could elevate the feeling of fitting in or just being me at all times,  or so I thought. On October 30 2007, six years ago, I met/was introduced to someone and since then, nothing has been the same.

This day was on a Tuesday,  and during this time I only had two classes to go to so by 12 pm, I would be done for the day. Now around this time, I would go straight from my last class to the cafe to get something to eat.  So after I got my eat on, and I was heading back to my room when I bumped into my homie. When I saw him, he was talking to a female. Now usually he is always talking to someone, so I really did not pay the girl no mind. As I was about to head back to my room, my homie asked me to hang with them. Of course I had nothing better to do so I waent a long with them. As we are walking, we stopped by the girl dorm before heading to my homie's place.  So we take the short cut by to his place,  and during this time,  the two of them are talking up a storm. So five minutes later we get to my homie's place. I sit on the couch and the females sits on the other end of the couch. 

After a while, my amigo goes to the bathroom for a good minute.  So while this was going on,  the girl starts talking to me. She ask me the normal first time meeting. You know what I mean, "how old are you, where are you from, what you like to do, and what's your major. " I answered all of these questions and ask her all of the same questions. So we have a good conversation and everything,  then she ask me do I have a girlfriend.  I tell her no, and when I was about to ask her if she got a boyfriend,  my homie's roommate comes over, gets in the middle of us and start talking to her. Needless to say, he killed the whole vibe of the convo that the female and I had. My homie comes out of his room, and we take her back to her room before we head off to Warner Robins. After that,  I figured I probably wouldn't bump into her again. Boy was I dead wrong.

The next day, I run into her after my last class of the day.  She said hey to me and asked if I remembered her name.  At this point,  I feel bad because she remembered my name and I didn't remember her name.  She tells me her name again and we spark up a small convo. Afterwards I head to my room. Later that night,  I bump into her again before heading to a halloween party. She was with her friend and I was with my friends. We talked again,  and we parted ways again.  We met up at the Halloween party twice and on both occasions, some how we ended up dancing.  After the party, we said our goodbyes and parted ways yet again.

Now over the next few weeks,  we would run into each other and talk to ome another.  We exchange numbers and occasionally texted each other.  We would hangout with our friends or just the two of us. We would eat dinner at the cafe,  and if there was something happening on campus, we would check it out if it was were free. She came to my birthday party before the semester was over and during Christmas break, we talked like twice. When we got back from break, we became cooler and hanged out more.  She was always there for me and I truly appreciated that.  As the school year ended,  we said our goodbyes and parted ways for the summer.

Before the new school year started, she called me to see if I was back at school and just the to catch up. As the semester took place,  a lot of things were going on with me and I didn't want to around basically no one. I was in a really bad place in my life during this time, and it seemed like it was my cross to bare along. Because of this, I pushed a lot of people away,  including her.  I just stopped talking to her, and hanging with her. All she wanted to know what was going on, and why I stopped talking/hanging with her. I didn't want to tell her, so I just left her alone and ignored her. At the time, i honestly thought I was during the right thing for her by not being near or around her. I didn't want to drag her in to my own problems.  This lasted the whole semester.  By the time Christmas break, I just told her whay was going on and told her I was sorry. She forgave me and we were cool once again.  Before the new semester started,  I decided to take some time off from school to deal with some problems. Before I left,  I saw her, she asked if I was okay,  then she gave me and hug and smiled.  That was the last time I saw her.

While I was away, I started to miss her. I don't know why but I really did mise her. I talked to her every once in a while via text, and I was cool with that. When I was away, one of the main reasons I wanted to returned was just to see her.  Unfortunately, that would not happen.  When I told her I was returing back to for valley,  she told me that she had transferred to another school. Of course I was sad about this, but at the same time,  I was happy because she was doing what made her happy.  I would text her once a month just to talk and that was cool. After awhile,  we lost touch with one another and I thought that was the end of the story, but occasionally,  she would inbox me on Facebook. I would  be happy to be able to talk to her and catch up with her.

All during this time,  I would starting thinking about her at days at a time.  She would be the only thing I would thing about,  and  I would start to miss her like crazy. I don't know why, but I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Its like I was missing a part of me or something like that. I would be cool,  and then in a second, I will be foused only her. I have tried to stop caring and stop thinking of her, but it just not happening.  This has been goning on for years and I see no end to this at all. As soon as I get back to normal,  something reminds me of her or she hits me up and I am back at square one once again.  I told my best friend about this she always tell me that I am in love. I don't know how true this is. All I know is this female is on my mind 80% of the time and sometimes my heart only wants to be with her.

So what does it all means? To be honest, I truly don't know.  All I can do is just play my cards and see what happens from there. At this point in our lives, we are at two very different stages in our lifes. Hell we are not even in the same continent anymore.  I truly don't know what wll of this means.  As soon as I believe I have things figure out,  theres is a curve ball thrown at me. Will this all out for the better? Who knows to be honest. All I know is everything happens for a reason.  What the reason for all of this? Well, as soon as I figured that out I will let yall know.  At the end,  this day will always hold a special place to me. Till this day, I can remember everything that happened on this day like it just happened. From the things we talked about to the clothes that she wore, every detail is etched into the depths of my mind,heart, and soul. This will always be known as the day that I met some one who at time I didn't realize how special they were be to me. Eventuality,  I feel that everything will work out for the best. So until then, I guess this saga of my life will continue to play out the way that it is meant to play out.

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