Jul 15, 2013

Together we stand, divided we fall

Disclaimer....i wasn't going to doing a post on this topic but after a talk with a great friend of mine, I was encouraged to do this so here we go...thanks khris

On a rainy night on 2-26-2013, a 17 year old male by the name of Trayvon Martin was on his way home after leaving a seven eleven. During the same time, a volunteer neighborhood watchman bu the name of George Zimmerman was on his way to target. Little did these two people know that what would occur that night would send shock waves throughout America. Later that night, a 911 call would record a moment that no one will never forget: the sound of a gun shot fired by George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin. Fast forward to 7-13-2013, the verdict for the trail of the year was broadcast to the world. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN: NOT GUILTY. This would send outrage, sadness, and anger throughout America, especially in African American population.

As the verdict was read, people took to social media to share their reaction to this. Some voiced sadness, some voiced violence, and some voiced a sense of hopelessness for the treatment, and future of the African American race. This brought black together with a common thought; How and why did this tragic event take place?  What could we do to together to stop this from happening again? Well, this is an complex issue with many possible situations.  Before you can get an answer, you have to get to root of the problem. To must people, the root of this issue is racism. While this is a key factor of this case, it is not the only root of this problem. The other root of this people is, in fact, ourselve

While racism is a topic we can go on and go about, we can not expect others to the change the way other people treat/think about African American until we change ourselves. In my option, we as a race need to get back to the mindset we had back in the 60s/70s. During those times, we were united in everything we did. We shared common goals, cared about one another, and wanted to see one another go farther in life.We had pride in our race, and would take action if wrong was done to one of our own. What happened to these values and morals that we once had? Now a days, that is not the case. I'm not saying don't have those morals and values, but they are not as shown as other things. It seems as the only time we are united as a race is when a member of another race does wrong by us. When we do wrong by our own race, we don't take to the streets or the net to stop the violence. We have gotten accustomed to black on black violence and death. We rather bring people down than to let the up. We rather "turn up" than to do something positive. We rather work alone than to achieve as a race.Then we have the nerve to get mad other races when they do us wrong. How can we expect other races to treat us right if we don't do right by ourselves? They treat us how we treat ourselves.

So how can we fix this in order to better our ace and our stand in America? By standing together,  stop putting each other down, and stop killing each other. We as a race process more powerful than we realize. When we stand together and become united, we are a force to be reckon with. When we get focused and become united, shit will happen for the betterment of our people. How do you think things got achieved is the 60s/70s? By being on one accord. Together we stand, divided we fall. Now that a possible solution has be brought to light, now the question is what will it take for the African American race to be united and take a stand for ourselves??? 

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