Jul 31, 2013

Things I don't get part 3

Beautys and beasts, before I start sharing some random thoughts, I just wanted to say thank you for stopping by and reading these random post of mine. I have been getting some awesome feed back about this blog, and for that I once again say thank you very much. Now that we have got all the mushing stuff got of the way, now it is thank to get the post of the night.

So lately, I have seen a trend that is starting to slowing come back into full affect once again. This trend started back around the second half of the year 2012. This trend had people wilding out more than usually. This trend had folks, in their eyes, living life to the fullest. This trend was had some folks not giving a damn about their actions or the consequence of these actions.  Have you guessed the trend that I an going on and on about? If not, I will give you one more hit. It all start with a lyric from the song "The Motto". That's right, I am talking about that four letter acronym that was made popular by Drake aka wheel chair Jimmy. That was a degressi reference for does who did not know. That trend, that acronym that is slowly but surely making a comeback is........*wait for it*.......Y.O.LO.

Now I know that most of the people who are reading this already knows what Y.O.L.O. means, but for the .01% of folks who don't know what it mean, Y.O.L.O. stands for you only live once. Now I thought folks already knew that before Drake pointed that out, but that is besides the point of this post. So after this acronym was broadcast upon the billions and billions across the world, people took that acronym really to heart. People began to throw cation to the wind, and started to really wild out. These actions would be posted to twitter, facebook, and instagram. Their excuse for these actions would be none other then Y.O.L.O. This is where I think people lost the real meaning, in my eyes, of Y.O.L.O. 

Here is what I don't get; since you only live once, why would you part take in actions that would shorten your life or put your future at risk? I mean it is cool to live in/for the moment every once in awhile, but not all the time. If you are always living in the moment, how can you life for your future? The answer is you can't. I sure people don't want to live in the world of "what if", and that can work on both ends of the coin. You don't want to miss out on fun and wonder "what if " as a young person but you don't want to regret doing something later on in life and wonder "what if" you didn't do a certain action. Since you only live once, wouldn't you want to extend your life as much as possible? Now I am not saying go live in a plastic bubble, but don't go running in the hallway with a pair of scissors in your hand. 

In the relaunch of the Y.O.L.O. trend, I believe there needs to be a relaunch of what it really means. Don't go all out and be reckless, but don't be afraid to live life. With everything in life, the key to Y.O.L.O. is balance when you look at. Take this acronym and use it to live your life to the fullest. Since you only life once, don't be afraid to follow/go after your dreams. Since you only life once, never let a moment go by without telling someone, that you really care for, how much they really mean to you. Since you only live one, help other people out in any way you can. Since you only live once, use your talents to change the world for the better. Most importantly, since you only live once, be who you want to be and not what others expect you to be.

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