Oct 30, 2015

Under Control

Well folks, its about that time once again. Now if you have some of my previous post, you know I have talked about a very special person I met in college. Well today marks the day eight years ago that I met that person. For the OG readers, yall probably like " here we go again with all that sappy stuff again." Some of  yall might have not even made it past the third line of this post. For those of you who are still reading this, rest assured in the fact that I will not be getting into my feelings like I usually do on this subject. This post will be dealing with her, but in a different way than usual.

So after all this time thinking, missing, and wondering about her, I have come to face reality and the truth. The reality is no matter how much I may try not to, a part of me will love this woman. The truth, however is that it is time for me to move on. In speaking on the reality, I had to think about why I haven't/couldn't get over her. after a lot of thinking, I have come with two possible reasons. The first is that she really could be my soulmate/the one. people always say that you know when you have found the one. They don't tell you how just tell you that you will know. Sometimes, when thinking about my future, the first image that pops up in my head is her.  Sometimes I image we are having full blown talks with her about any and everything. In doing all of that, I realize the second reason why I can't get over her. She represent the idea of me loving someone. For the longest, I did not anything to do with love. I just wanted to be alone forever. Then see came along and changed that idea. Maybe she represents the idea, and I just love her for giving me that idea. Who knows.

After facing the reality, its then time for me to accept the truth. I been stick/hung up on this woman for way to long. I haven't talked to her in I don't know how long, and I never told her how I felt. I may not know to how about love, but one thing that I do know is that when it hits you, you should be able to tell that person with no problem. Am I afraid to tell her, Partly yes. I don't know if I well the same way about her as I did way back in the day. I don't know where she at in life. Hell I don't know if she is single or not. Instead of doing all of this wondering, hoping, and praying that we will meet up in the future, maybe its just time for me to look for love with someone else. Maybe she was just there to show me how to have love for someone and the results of not telling them. Again, who knows.

With all of this being said, I think this will be the last time I write about her....maybe. Look, I don't know what the future may hold between mr and he her. Only god knows that. A wise person once said that people come to a lives to either be a lesson or a blessing. I thing with her, I think she is both a blessing and lesson. The blessing was to let me know what love is and what it feels like. The lesson is to not keep that feeling to myself. If I ever feel that way about someone, I will let them know in a heartbeat without a second thought neither.  So as for right now, I feel like I have everything under control. Who knows what the future will hold. What shall be will be. on that note folks. its time for me to get off this thing. As always....live, be great, do dope shit.

Sep 14, 2015

Words I Could Never Say

Well folks, if you are expecting this to be some kind of day in the life/pop culture/live event post, then this is not that kind of post for today. In fact, I do not know what exactly this post will end up saying. You may be wondering why I am writing this for. To be honest, I do not why myself. I just felt complied to write. this, like something drawing me to type all of this out. Really, this is more like getting this of my soul and lifting some baggage of my self. This post is basically saying the things I wish I could tell a special someone. So here we go....

To that special someone,
It has been about 7 years since we last saw each other.
A lot has happened between then and now.
The times have changed. The world has changed. We have changed
Between the distance from the last time we saw each other until this very moment, we have both grown, went/still going through life, and experience different things.
We are not the same people that we was once were back in the days of the valley.
In the time between then and now, I have realized a thing or two.
I have realized that since that time, I have missed you dearly.
I have realized that I am a fool for not keeping in contract with you.
I have realized how special you are to me.
Last but not least, I have realized two important things.
Those things are that I loved you, and I should have told you that back then.

Why didn't I tell you this back then, or even now.
Why do I feel this way.
The reason I din not say anything was I honestly did not thing I had a change with someone like you.
In my eyes, I was just a regular ol joe and you were perfect.
I did no think a person like you would want anything to do with a person like me.
On top of that, I had some issues that I felt like I needed to handle alone, so I pushed you away and destroyed our friendship.
Even though we fixed things, nothing really was the same afterwards,
We eventually drifted apart.
But in that time apart, I realized how I felt about you and the reason why.

I loved you because you saw me as a person.
I loved how we would just hang out, eat at the café, and go to different stuff around the campus.
I loved how your smile could brighten up my day.
I loved how your light/energy could bring out the best in in me.
I loved how you accepted me as I was, and did not try to change me.
I love how we could just be silly around each other, no matter who was around.
In all, I loved the person that you were...mind, body, and soul

Now I know that we both have our own life.
We both are own paths on this journey called life that has taken down different roads.
The us then vs the us now are two different people.
You are living your live right now and I am doing the same.
But no matter where life has/will take us, one thing will never change.
Your were, still, and always will be someone special to me that I hold dear.

Now on the off change that you will read this, you maybe thing I am trying together with you.
While I would like for us to be together, this is no the point of this.
By now, you are probably a lucky man's lady and are happy together.
That is all I want for you is to be happy, whether that be with me or someone else.
I want you to be successful in whatever you do in life.
I want your light to shine in this world.
I want you to do want ever makes you happy in life.
All in all, I just want you to be happy.
who knows what the cards hold for us.
Maybe one day, if the most  high will allow it, we will once again meet up and be in each others lives again.
If that ever happens, then these words that I am typing now will transform into words that I can tell you.

Aug 8, 2015

The Thing About Something

OK folks. I know I haven't been on here in a while and to be honest, I really don't have a reason why. With all the stuff that's been going on in the world, you would thing I would have something to talk about. While that may be the case, I just haven't felt like blogging. Why you may ask? Once again I don't know.

Don't get me wrong. I like blogging. Sometimes it is more helpful to write about some of this stuff. Hopefully may stuff will help someone out or inspire them to do something. Why would I stop writing then? Well, to be honest, I just be in a funk lately. I don't enjoy some of the things I used to, and I haven't really do none of the stuff that makes me happy. Between work and family issues, a you king is drained. Hell anyone would be. So how do I pull myself out of this funk? The thing about something project.

So what is The Thing About Something? Well its a project which will not only help me out of this runt, it will also help me to become a better writer. Basically, I got six one subject notebooks and I going to write in there everyday until they are filled up. The topics will range from any and everything. Once a week, I going to pick something that I wrote and post it up here. Hopefully this will help me to become a better writer, person, and get me out of this funk.

So this is about the end of this post. It wasn't nothing major but I just wanted to keep folks in the loop. As the project processes, who knows what will come from it. Hell from all I know. I could be writing a best selling novel and I don't even know it. All I know is I felt the most high put this on my heart to do so I know something will come from this that will help me for the better. Well that's all folks. Until next time......Live. Be Great. Do Dope Shit.

May 31, 2015

To Be Black in America....From negus to Ni:::s

Throughout history, black people have been getting the short end of the stick in the land of the free and the home of the Braves. From being taken from Africa to be sold as slaves to still be treated as second class citizens in a country that we helped build, black people have had a long and twisted history with this country. Lately, even though it's been happening for over 400 years, blacks have seemingly been targeted and killed. We also have been under attack for how we react to this crimes. It seems like there is a big discount with black America and the rest of America. Why might you ask? Well besides a number of reasons, and trust me there's a lot, I feel one of the main reason is that the rest of America thinks it has an idea on what it is like to be black in this country, but in reality they have the slightest idea. So in this post, I will try to get my non black readers to understand how it feels, at least for me, to be black in America.

To be black in America, to start this off, is an interesting experience to say the least.  For me, it is like America needs us but does not want to keeps us. To be black in America, you need to be aware of the history that started over 400 years ago. If you look at the time pre 400 years ago, you will see an amazing thing that is not written in most history books. You will see a time where we were kings, queens, warriors, and tribal leaders. You we see, if you look hard enough, that we had strong traditions and we were living and striving. As you can image, we were living as Negus. 

To be black in America is to know a sad fact. Over 400 years ago, we were kidnapped and stolen from our homeland in Africa and brought to America as slaves.To be black in America is to know that all of our traditions, stories, and families were almost lost over a thing called slavery. We were sold and treat like animals. We were considered property not people, and at one time we were not even considered to be a person by the law of the land. To be black in America is to know that were Negus at first, but as soon as we were brought to America, they took that word a turn it into something negative in there own way. Basically, we went from Negus to Niggers.

Now that you know part of the history, let's fast forward to present times. To be black in America can be quite difficult at times. Its to know 9 times out of 10, the cards are stacked against you. You could go to the best school in the country, have a number of degrees, and still be turned down for a job that you are qualify to do for someone who is less qualify, Its to know some people will treat you like crap now matter how you act or how you dress. To be black in America is to know that you can be dressed fresh to death/sharp as a tack and still be treated like a second class citizen.

To be black in America is to know that this country will take the coolest/must important things in our life/culture,and make it there own. Now I am all for sharing culture and viewpoints, but please give credit where credit is due. Its like our history is not being realized at all among the rest of non black America. We have black history month, but 28 days is not enough for the rest of America to see our contribution to this country. Its like Black people lives began with slavery in the eyes of America, but way before then we had a long rich history. Then some history books want to amend slavery from the history books and pretend it never happened.

I could go on and on we this but before this post is over, I will touch on one more outlook on black in America. To be black in America is to have a target on you back. These days, you will be attack by the police, the media,  the politicians, and even ourselves at times. To be black is to know you may and will be killed for just about anything. You can be walking home from the gas station, holding a bb gun at Walmart, coming home from from your bachelor party, or just looking suspicious. To be black in America is like being treated like scum but expected to act like a model citizen when shit pops up. When blacks people riot for an injustice, they will be called thugs and savages. When other people riot for no just reason, people and the media have nothing bad to say about them. They will look for any reason to blame us for our own problem, but they will not address the real source of the problem.

Well I think you got a little insight on the black experience in America. Although its not all bad, the bad does out weigh the bad most of the time. Even though we go through all of this, we still shine and over come. I know there will some people that will disagree with this post, and that is alright. Either you don't know what it is like to be black in this country, you just have not gone through these things, or you just do not care. Once again I am not speak for all black people. I just speaking from my outlook on things. At the end of the day, I am a black man with Negus blood in my veins.

May 29, 2015

Five years from now.....

Well ladies and germs, if you are reading this then you already  know what time it is.  Now for this post, I'd planned on writing it back in April, but somethings just need to take time to get better like wine or seasoned meat before you cook it. So for those of you who did not know, one of my favorite shows of the past six years have been GLEE. Last month, they wrapped up the series with a two hour series finale. The first hour dug into the past of some the characters and showing why they joined the glee club in the first place. For the second a final hour of this series, it got back on track with the season's current story line and they showed a five year time skip with the main characters of the show. The time skip showed that all of them went after their dreams, and in the process became successful. While looking at the second part of the finale, I began to wonder what my life will be like in the next five years. While I can not say for sure how my life will actually turn out in 2020, I do have an idea on how i would like to turn out to be/.

Five years form now, I would like to have a job/career that allows my to travel the world and explore new things. I would like to attend different events that I can write about and give the world my experience on it. While I am doing that, I would also like to either be establish or on the up and coming of having my own business. What will my business be? To be honest, I have an idea of what I want it to be but I don"t know exactly what it will be. What I do know is I already have the concept down packed so who knows what will come from it. Hell you could be reading the blog of a future successful millionaire. This may not be on the career path, but i would like to change the world for the better somehow through my business. Either that or spark someone that will change the world.

Now for those who have read my blogs in the past, you know how my views on this topic tends to change like the seasons.One day I just want to ride off into the sunset by myself and other times I can see myself doing the whole wife and kids thing. How do I picture myself in 2020? I really do not know to be honest. I think I would be okay with either choice, but if I was to do some deep soul searching, I am leaning more towards the wife and kids side of things. Shocking I know. They say that there is a person for everyone in the world. Will I find that person within the next five years? Who knows but on the off chance that I do find that special female, y'all will be the fourth  to know.

Life in General
Well most people would think a good life does consist of a good job/career and a loving family. While that is good and all, there is more than that to me. So how do I see my life in the next five years? Hopefully I will still be alive and kicking in 2020. If so, the most important thing I want out of life is to be happy. I am not saying that I am not happy now, but there is nothing wrong with wanting more happiness in ones life. I want every choice I make and everything I do throughout my to be because I truly want to do it and not because i have to?due to money. I want to live with no regret. I do not to live in fear. I have done this for most of my life and it sucks.I want to live for myself and not for others. I want to grab life by the horns and live it out to the fullest. All in all, I just want to have an awesome/amazing life.

There you have it folks. This is how I see my life in the next five years. Like I said before, I do not know how things will play out for me in the future. If I have any say so in the matter, this is how I would like my life to be or a version of it if possible. I just want to be successful, happy, and one of the dopest person on the face of this planet. Lets see how all of this will come to play in the years to come. What do you see your life heading in the next coming years? Hopefully everyone will be doing what makes them happy. Well folks there is all for now. As always.....Life. Be Great. Do Dope Shit.

Mar 31, 2015

Moment of Truth: Love Is In The Air???

Well ladies and germs, this weekend has been a very long weekend. As part of my goals for 2015, I set out to do at least one new thing a month that I have never done before. What is the new thing that I did this weekend is what you might be asking yourself right now. Well for the first time ever, I was a groom men at a wedding. Shocking, I know. Now what does being a groom man have to do with the topic of this post? I will explain it all, but first we have to start from the beginning of the whole wedding event.

About the second half of 2014, I just so happened to be on the book of many faces and I saw one of my buddies got engaged. Now you know as soon as I saw this, I instantly call her to get the 411 on the whole situation. Just a few months later, I was at TGIF Fridays with a group of friends, and out of nowhere I see my buddy and I get to meet her fiancee. I introduced myself, and after the brief conversation, he seemed like a cool dude. It wasn't until November that i really got to get to know him, After some food, drinks and laughter, I could tell that he would make my buddy happy.

Around January, I was told when the wedding was going to take place. I was happy to hear that the wedding was right around the corner. Then like two weeks later, my buddy hits me up, and ask me to be a grooms man in her wedding. At first I was like "What exactly does a grooms man do?" After that thought passed my mind, I instantly said yes. After a fitting for a tux, the countdown to the wedding was officially on. After a few weeks, the wedding was just 48 hours away.

After reading this thus far, you may be wondering what all of this has do with the topic of the blog. Well I am getting to it. It's the Friday before the wedding, and on that day I got to meet all the people who were going to be in the wedding. After the rehearsal we all went out to dinner. Around 9:30, the females went there way and the guys went there way. After meeting up with the fellas, we just drunk a few brews, watched TV, and just talked. The talking was the best part to me. The groom and the best man started talking about their ladies and how much they loved them. They also seems sad that they could not be around them. For me being a single guy, it was interesting to see guys talk about love like this. For what I was gathering from the convo, it seems like love had changed them for the better and their lives would not be the same without the ladies that they loved. That got me to thinking for a quick second about love.

Its the day of the wedding, and I am looking fresh to death in my tux. Now we had two hours before the big event so the guys was doing anything that the groom need us to do. We could tell that he was ready to get the show on the road to marry his lady. About 30 minutes before showtime, the groom recorded a message for my buddy. Basically, the message said how much he loved her, he was happy to be marrying her, and he couldn't wait to start their lives together. Once again, I begin to think about love.

So now it is show time. As the music begins to play, I walk the beautiful bride maid down the aisle and the only thing I could think of is "DO NOT TRIP, DO NOT FALL." After everybody is in their place, the bride aka my buddy walks down and you could see tears start to form in the eyes of the groom. As the pastor was unity the two into one, I kept on thinking about love and the role it plays in my life. I wondered if finding love was in the cards for me. After they said their I do's, we took pictures and had the reception. Doing the reception, the newlyweds engaged their vows, and doing the process both of them got chocked up said their vows. They even shed tears doing the process. Then the best men and the maid of honor gave their toast to the couple, and wished them the best. Once again I thought about love.

With all the being said, what is the point of all of this? Well one could say that seeing this example of love has made me question my thoughts on the topic. For the most part, I have seen love as just an option, something people do when they get lonely. I have really only felt love for only one person in my 26 years of living. After that did not go as I thought it would, I gave up on love. I thought that, and sometimes still do, that I just meant to be alone. After this past weekend, I might have had a change of heart. Seeing people who really love each has sparked a side of me that I thought was long gone. The idea of sharing your life with the love of your life is not such a bad thing. Finding someone who helps you to better yourself and completes you is not such a bad thing. Most importantly, love in its truest form is not such a bad thing.

After all of that, will I be the next one to get married? HELL NO!!!! Will I jump into a relationship anything soon? Probably not. To be honest, I more than likely remain the same when it comes to any aspects of love. It's not that I'm not ready to be in a relationship, I just bidding my time and just waiting for the right woman to come around. Hell I have probably have already met the person and just haven't realized it. Who knows? Maybe sometime this year, I will be writing about how I found the love of my life. All in all, this weekend has had an impact on my life that i am truly grateful for. Well folks, that is all for now. As always; Live. be great, do dope shit.

Mar 15, 2015

Moment of Truth; Pursuit of Happeniess

Well for a few months now, I have been debating on rather or not to do a post on this topic. After much thought and consideration, I came up with one conclusion...FUCK IT just do it...which by the way is how most of my choices come around to. I always say that people need to be more transparent these days so I am going to take my own advice and be transparent so here we go.

For a while now, I have been in a funk. I have been seeing all of my friends truly enjoying life, doing new things and truly exploring the world. Me, on the other hand, are not doing anything close to any of these things. I been working the same job for almost two years now with no signs of moving on up, I don't really do anything worth while, and it seems like my creativity is slowly but surely escaping my being. The way I see it is everyone is happy with life and I am just content with my life right now.

When did this happen?? When did I, a young king, become content with having a plain, basic life?? To be honest, I don't have no idea. I used to have dreams, and goals on what I want to do with my life, I used to be full of life, positive energy, joy, and peace. Nowadays, I am the complete opposite of this. Before, I used to be actually happy. Now, I can say that I am just getting by. If I going to be completely honest, I thing the "real world" has finally gotten to me.

Between my job, my location, and the "real world", I can see how my happiness have departed from my being, and you know what....IT SUCKS. I want to be the old me once again aka the true me. I want to have fun. I want to explore the world. I want to live and be apart of the true world, not the "real world" to sum it all up, I want to be happy. Easier said than done.

How will I truly become happy again? After much thought, I came up with the conclusion that I need to forsake this so call "real world" and seek out/and live in the true world. You may be wondering what is the true world? Basically, the true world is what you can not obtain in the "real world". The true world is where people dreams come true, where people can truly become themselves, and where everything money can not buy resides. To obtain this, I feel like I have to do three basic things: leave my current job, move away from my current location, and go after my dreams.

I may be in a funk right now, but I know that I will eventually become my former self once again sooner or later. I can already see some chances that are happening in my life for the better. I just going to take things one day at a time, and see what happens. I just going to do the things that i know will grant my true happiness again. So watch out world, I coming back even better than I was the last time. OK so that is the end of this blog. As always...Live, Be Great, Do Dope Shit

Jan 29, 2015

Tragic in America Part two: Blue Privilege

In part one of of this two part blog, I'd discussed the verdict of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner case. I talked about how the countless other murders that were similar to these two deaths, how the murders of these people seem to always get off, and how it seems like black people have not escape the rules/terms of the three/fifths compromise. In that post, I was speaking as an angry black person that was fed up with all the injustice that has fallen upon black people. Now for this post, I will look at the other side of the coin in an effort to come to some sort of solution to this problem. There have been a lot of time about white privilege during this whole situation. A lot of people have been throwing around the race card as well. While I am not saying race is not a major factor in the world, I do believe that this is not the only factor in these crimes. Race is just one of many tools to hide the true issue, which in this case just happen to be the police.

Now since I can remember, there have seemed to be a bad relationship between blacks and the police. From what I can tell, the problem seems to be that a good amount of  black people do not trust the police, and a good amount of the police seem to think that black people are always up to no good. Now factor in those to facts and apply them to these cases. In all these cases that I mentioned in my previous blog, the killers just so happened to be the police and the victims were black. When asked why did they use such lethal force, one thing that all the police had in common is that during some point during the altercation the police feared for their lives. Keep in mind that all the victims were unarmed. Now I may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but if the person is unarmed then why use deadly force? I am sure that with all of their training and other means to subdue a person, there is no reason at all that these officers had to kill these people and likewise, there is no why the victims are not here with us today. 

Just like all black people are not thugs, gangsters, and drug dealers not all police are not bad/crooked. It just that the ones that are bad gives the perceptive that the rest are the same way and that goes for both sides. The question is why do the police always seem to get off scoot free? It because of blue privilege. You may be wondering what blue privilege is at this point. Blue privilege is special rights that only the police have. They take the oath to protect and uphold the laws of the land but it seems that some feel like they are above the law in a sense. One may say the police pick and chose which laws they chose to follow and enforce. In the cases that I mentioned, they did not give these victims their right to due progress and to be tried by a group of their peers. If we do not honor these rights, then we are no better than the counties that we fight in wars.

Now in part one of this blog series, I did say I would talk about the police view of things so I am about to play devils advocate for a quick minute. At the end of the day, when you take the uniform, badge, and car away from the police, they are still people at the end of the day.These people are somebodies son or daughter and they may have a family to come home to at the end of their shift. Being a police officer is one of the hardest/dangerous jobs out their, and it does take a toll on you. At the end of the day, we all are humans and mistakes do happen. Are they as big as killing someone? No, but until we put ourselves not only in their shoes and in these situations we cannot say what we would do in the heat of the moment.

With all that being said, with these two post about the killings of unarmed black people by officers of the law, I will ask again; What is the solution to this serious problem? Like I stated in the previous post, I don't have the answer. One the other, someone did come up with a few solutions that can actually them work. Back in November while I was listening to The Breakfast Club, Charlamagne Tha God offered some solutions to this problem. One thing he suggested was retraining cops and better training them as well. He suggested that there should be a better screening process to see who can become cops. He also suggested that cops need to hold other cops reliable for the actions that they do. The last suggestion he made would make the most change in my option. He suggested that we need more black cops. Instead of saying fuck the police, we need to encourage people to join the force. Instead of teaching our kids to be afraid of the cops and not to trust them, we should encourage them to think about being a cop when they grow up. The best way to change the system is from within.

Can this issue be solved? Yes it can. When will the change come? Eventually, but I don't see it coming anytime soon. To be honest, this issue has been around for hundreds of years, and I don't see the resolution coming in my generation. It may come, but for true change to come, we need to stop seeing people for their jobs and race, and start truly looking at folks as humans. No matter who we are, our background, or how we look, we all are humans and we all are the same on the inside. In the bigger picture, what we think divides us should actually bring us together. Well I hope this two part series have inspire someone to start the change that the world really needs. That is all for now but as always: Live, Be Great, Do Dope Shit. 

Jan 11, 2015

Tragically in America Part 1: The new 3/5 of a person rule?

Well ladies and germs, here we are once again. Now for the whole month of November i did not post a blog, and while I was gone some major events happened in the land of the free and home of the brave. If you haven't been living under a rock, then you should know what I am talking about. In November, two high profile cases made the same verdict in the respected cases.  In the cases of Michael Brown, the 18 year old that was shot and killed by a police  and Eric Garner, the 43 year old who died after police applied an illegal choke hold on him, both cops in the matter at hand were not indicted on charges after both cases were brought before the grand jury. Then on top of that. both decisions were announced within 8 days. Originally, I was just going to voice out my anger about this and let that be that. After some time and some thinking, I have came up with a another side to these tragic events. So for today's post, I will voice my anger, and disgust with this growing trend of black man getting killed by the police. On another post, I will put these situation into another prospective.

Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened. This has been a recurring thing throughout the history of America. Before the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, you have the case of Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old black teenager who was gunned down for "looking suspicious" while walking home from the neighborhood 7/11 back in 2012. you have John Crawford III, a 22 year old who was gunned down by police because they thought the bebe gun he held in his hands was a real gun. You have Oscar Grant, a 22 year old who was shot by the police while his hands were handcuffed behind his back on New Years day back in 2009. Then you have Sean Bell, a 23 year old black male who was killed when the police shot 50 bullets at his  car the night before he was supped to be married. I could go on and on naming black lives that were cut short back the police for no reason at all.

Now after reading this post thus far, you may be wondering how does this tie into the title of this post. Well in cases you didn't know, 3/5 of a person refers to how blacks were represented during the time of slavery.  As we all know, blacks were not treated well at all during slavery. They were treated and considered just property to their masters and most of America during this time. Now when it came down for taxes and counting people to determine the number of representatives for each state, the south wanted to include the slaves in this count while the north wanted to exclude the slaves from the count. After much debate, the north and the South came to a compromise that would allow the southern state to count every three slaves as one person for representation, thus beginning the Three/fifths compromise.

Okay after that brief history lesson, you are probably wondering what that has to these killings of black people by the police. Well after the verdict of the Eric Garner case, I started to think about how many people get indicted on killing black people. After doing some research, and believe I took me a while, I actually found a few times in which people were indicted and/or faced jail time for the killing of black people. While there are times where justice is served, the number of times people have got off free sadly outweighs the number of people who get off for these actions. When I did my research on the topic, I did find about 4 to 5 cases in which a person was indicted on charges of killing a person. While that is all good and stuff, that numbers doesn't even compare to the dozens of case that I saw in which nothing happened at all. To me, it seems like for every one case that gets an indicted for a wrongly killing of a black person, it is about 12 other cases in which the killer gets away with no repercussions.

With all of that being said, what is the solution to this problem? Well to be honest, I don't know. As I was growing up, my mother would tell me to keep my nose clean so I won't be placed in bad situations. Nowadays, that rule does not apply. You can be doing nothing wrong/minding your own business and still be killed by the police for no just case. After the whole Eric Garner verdict was broadcast to the masses, the President would hold a press conference about the situation and would suggest police wear body cameras. While that is a good idea in theory, what good will that do when the killing of Eric Garner was  caught on tape and nothing happened? To be honest, there is a solution to this problem somewhere but I just don't see it.

I not one to just give up because I know things will get better. If not for me, then things will be better for my baby cousins, my nephews/nieces, and my future offspring. I hope and pray that they will not experience the things and have the fears that most if not all black people face in today's times. I don't know about the rest of the world, but if it doesn't want to change then I will be the means in which positive change shall come. In closing, I will just say pray for better days, and don't let these deaths mean nothing. Let their lives be the venue in which change occurs.