Oct 30, 2015

Under Control

Well folks, its about that time once again. Now if you have some of my previous post, you know I have talked about a very special person I met in college. Well today marks the day eight years ago that I met that person. For the OG readers, yall probably like " here we go again with all that sappy stuff again." Some of  yall might have not even made it past the third line of this post. For those of you who are still reading this, rest assured in the fact that I will not be getting into my feelings like I usually do on this subject. This post will be dealing with her, but in a different way than usual.

So after all this time thinking, missing, and wondering about her, I have come to face reality and the truth. The reality is no matter how much I may try not to, a part of me will love this woman. The truth, however is that it is time for me to move on. In speaking on the reality, I had to think about why I haven't/couldn't get over her. after a lot of thinking, I have come with two possible reasons. The first is that she really could be my soulmate/the one. people always say that you know when you have found the one. They don't tell you how just tell you that you will know. Sometimes, when thinking about my future, the first image that pops up in my head is her.  Sometimes I image we are having full blown talks with her about any and everything. In doing all of that, I realize the second reason why I can't get over her. She represent the idea of me loving someone. For the longest, I did not anything to do with love. I just wanted to be alone forever. Then see came along and changed that idea. Maybe she represents the idea, and I just love her for giving me that idea. Who knows.

After facing the reality, its then time for me to accept the truth. I been stick/hung up on this woman for way to long. I haven't talked to her in I don't know how long, and I never told her how I felt. I may not know to how about love, but one thing that I do know is that when it hits you, you should be able to tell that person with no problem. Am I afraid to tell her, Partly yes. I don't know if I well the same way about her as I did way back in the day. I don't know where she at in life. Hell I don't know if she is single or not. Instead of doing all of this wondering, hoping, and praying that we will meet up in the future, maybe its just time for me to look for love with someone else. Maybe she was just there to show me how to have love for someone and the results of not telling them. Again, who knows.

With all of this being said, I think this will be the last time I write about her....maybe. Look, I don't know what the future may hold between mr and he her. Only god knows that. A wise person once said that people come to a lives to either be a lesson or a blessing. I thing with her, I think she is both a blessing and lesson. The blessing was to let me know what love is and what it feels like. The lesson is to not keep that feeling to myself. If I ever feel that way about someone, I will let them know in a heartbeat without a second thought neither.  So as for right now, I feel like I have everything under control. Who knows what the future will hold. What shall be will be. on that note folks. its time for me to get off this thing. As always....live, be great, do dope shit.

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