Apr 30, 2016

"I pledge my love to you"

Well folks, I am back again. I know I have not posted anything for a while, but  that do to the fact that I have been busy with an assortment of things. I will get into that at a later time, but now it is time to get into the topic at hand. Wedding season has officially began, and earlier this month I went to my first wedding of this season. Of course I was going there to support the groom, which so happened to be my cousin, and his soon to be wife. It didn't hurt that I had a week off from work too, but that is nether here nor there. What I thought was going to be a trip to see family, have a good time, and just get a chance of scenery turned into so much more. Before we into that, lets start at the beginning.

My cousin and his now wife have been together for about six years now. They met at college and pretty much been stuck like glue since then. Folks would occasionally ask when were they going to jump the broom. Of course, he would play off the question or give the classic "When the time is right" answer. Well the time was right because about two years ago, my cousin surprised her, popped the question, and she said yes. Fast forward to about 7 months ago, the official date for the wedding was announced. Now fast forward to this past weekend and the wedding is only 24 hours away.

Its the day of the wedding, and I am tired like a mug. I think I went a little too hard with the partying the night before, but that is a tale for another day. We get to the venue, and it seems like all of their classmates from college were there along with family. Five o clock hits, and the wedding begins. The family was escorted down to their sits, music starts planning, the wedding party walk down the aisle, and the ceremony begins. As the wedding was going on the couple begin to say their vows. What got me was when the bride saying her vows. To summarize, she said that she never thought she would fall in love, but then she met my cousin and that idea changed, and she was thankfully to God for him. Another part that caught my attention is when they were repeating after the pastor...."I Pledge My Love To." I would not understand why until the reception would happen.

So the reception begins and the newlyweds come in together. They have their first dance , and all the married couples came on the floor to celebrate with them. Seeing all the married people together having fun, and loving each other sparked an idea in my mind....."You Deserve This. You Deserve To Be Happy And In Love." As these thoughts were going on in my mind, the line "I Pledge My Love To You" kept  replaying in my mind. At first, I just took those words that at face value. After seeing all the married couples together, I finally understood what those words meant. To me, those words meant that there is no other human on this world that can love me better than you. It means that I am giving you the one thing that many have tried to obtain, but did not measure up to you. It means no matter what life throws at us, I will be by your side. In its simplest form, it means I love you and I will always will.

To sum it up, the wedding was awesome. I got to go a trip, see family, and watch two people become one couple. I also got a better understanding on what this thing called love is really about. Now after reading this, you must be wondering "Is he ready for love?" To be honest, why not. I feel like there is love out there for me, and I am ready for it whenever that person comes. I am open to any and all things god/the universe has in store for me. When this will all happen?  Only the most high can answer that question, but I will keep yall posted. Well folks that is it. As always, live, be great, and do dope shit.

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