Mar 31, 2015

Moment of Truth: Love Is In The Air???

Well ladies and germs, this weekend has been a very long weekend. As part of my goals for 2015, I set out to do at least one new thing a month that I have never done before. What is the new thing that I did this weekend is what you might be asking yourself right now. Well for the first time ever, I was a groom men at a wedding. Shocking, I know. Now what does being a groom man have to do with the topic of this post? I will explain it all, but first we have to start from the beginning of the whole wedding event.

About the second half of 2014, I just so happened to be on the book of many faces and I saw one of my buddies got engaged. Now you know as soon as I saw this, I instantly call her to get the 411 on the whole situation. Just a few months later, I was at TGIF Fridays with a group of friends, and out of nowhere I see my buddy and I get to meet her fiancee. I introduced myself, and after the brief conversation, he seemed like a cool dude. It wasn't until November that i really got to get to know him, After some food, drinks and laughter, I could tell that he would make my buddy happy.

Around January, I was told when the wedding was going to take place. I was happy to hear that the wedding was right around the corner. Then like two weeks later, my buddy hits me up, and ask me to be a grooms man in her wedding. At first I was like "What exactly does a grooms man do?" After that thought passed my mind, I instantly said yes. After a fitting for a tux, the countdown to the wedding was officially on. After a few weeks, the wedding was just 48 hours away.

After reading this thus far, you may be wondering what all of this has do with the topic of the blog. Well I am getting to it. It's the Friday before the wedding, and on that day I got to meet all the people who were going to be in the wedding. After the rehearsal we all went out to dinner. Around 9:30, the females went there way and the guys went there way. After meeting up with the fellas, we just drunk a few brews, watched TV, and just talked. The talking was the best part to me. The groom and the best man started talking about their ladies and how much they loved them. They also seems sad that they could not be around them. For me being a single guy, it was interesting to see guys talk about love like this. For what I was gathering from the convo, it seems like love had changed them for the better and their lives would not be the same without the ladies that they loved. That got me to thinking for a quick second about love.

Its the day of the wedding, and I am looking fresh to death in my tux. Now we had two hours before the big event so the guys was doing anything that the groom need us to do. We could tell that he was ready to get the show on the road to marry his lady. About 30 minutes before showtime, the groom recorded a message for my buddy. Basically, the message said how much he loved her, he was happy to be marrying her, and he couldn't wait to start their lives together. Once again, I begin to think about love.

So now it is show time. As the music begins to play, I walk the beautiful bride maid down the aisle and the only thing I could think of is "DO NOT TRIP, DO NOT FALL." After everybody is in their place, the bride aka my buddy walks down and you could see tears start to form in the eyes of the groom. As the pastor was unity the two into one, I kept on thinking about love and the role it plays in my life. I wondered if finding love was in the cards for me. After they said their I do's, we took pictures and had the reception. Doing the reception, the newlyweds engaged their vows, and doing the process both of them got chocked up said their vows. They even shed tears doing the process. Then the best men and the maid of honor gave their toast to the couple, and wished them the best. Once again I thought about love.

With all the being said, what is the point of all of this? Well one could say that seeing this example of love has made me question my thoughts on the topic. For the most part, I have seen love as just an option, something people do when they get lonely. I have really only felt love for only one person in my 26 years of living. After that did not go as I thought it would, I gave up on love. I thought that, and sometimes still do, that I just meant to be alone. After this past weekend, I might have had a change of heart. Seeing people who really love each has sparked a side of me that I thought was long gone. The idea of sharing your life with the love of your life is not such a bad thing. Finding someone who helps you to better yourself and completes you is not such a bad thing. Most importantly, love in its truest form is not such a bad thing.

After all of that, will I be the next one to get married? HELL NO!!!! Will I jump into a relationship anything soon? Probably not. To be honest, I more than likely remain the same when it comes to any aspects of love. It's not that I'm not ready to be in a relationship, I just bidding my time and just waiting for the right woman to come around. Hell I have probably have already met the person and just haven't realized it. Who knows? Maybe sometime this year, I will be writing about how I found the love of my life. All in all, this weekend has had an impact on my life that i am truly grateful for. Well folks, that is all for now. As always; Live. be great, do dope shit.

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