May 29, 2015

Five years from now.....

Well ladies and germs, if you are reading this then you already  know what time it is.  Now for this post, I'd planned on writing it back in April, but somethings just need to take time to get better like wine or seasoned meat before you cook it. So for those of you who did not know, one of my favorite shows of the past six years have been GLEE. Last month, they wrapped up the series with a two hour series finale. The first hour dug into the past of some the characters and showing why they joined the glee club in the first place. For the second a final hour of this series, it got back on track with the season's current story line and they showed a five year time skip with the main characters of the show. The time skip showed that all of them went after their dreams, and in the process became successful. While looking at the second part of the finale, I began to wonder what my life will be like in the next five years. While I can not say for sure how my life will actually turn out in 2020, I do have an idea on how i would like to turn out to be/.

Five years form now, I would like to have a job/career that allows my to travel the world and explore new things. I would like to attend different events that I can write about and give the world my experience on it. While I am doing that, I would also like to either be establish or on the up and coming of having my own business. What will my business be? To be honest, I have an idea of what I want it to be but I don"t know exactly what it will be. What I do know is I already have the concept down packed so who knows what will come from it. Hell you could be reading the blog of a future successful millionaire. This may not be on the career path, but i would like to change the world for the better somehow through my business. Either that or spark someone that will change the world.

Now for those who have read my blogs in the past, you know how my views on this topic tends to change like the seasons.One day I just want to ride off into the sunset by myself and other times I can see myself doing the whole wife and kids thing. How do I picture myself in 2020? I really do not know to be honest. I think I would be okay with either choice, but if I was to do some deep soul searching, I am leaning more towards the wife and kids side of things. Shocking I know. They say that there is a person for everyone in the world. Will I find that person within the next five years? Who knows but on the off chance that I do find that special female, y'all will be the fourth  to know.

Life in General
Well most people would think a good life does consist of a good job/career and a loving family. While that is good and all, there is more than that to me. So how do I see my life in the next five years? Hopefully I will still be alive and kicking in 2020. If so, the most important thing I want out of life is to be happy. I am not saying that I am not happy now, but there is nothing wrong with wanting more happiness in ones life. I want every choice I make and everything I do throughout my to be because I truly want to do it and not because i have to?due to money. I want to live with no regret. I do not to live in fear. I have done this for most of my life and it sucks.I want to live for myself and not for others. I want to grab life by the horns and live it out to the fullest. All in all, I just want to have an awesome/amazing life.

There you have it folks. This is how I see my life in the next five years. Like I said before, I do not know how things will play out for me in the future. If I have any say so in the matter, this is how I would like my life to be or a version of it if possible. I just want to be successful, happy, and one of the dopest person on the face of this planet. Lets see how all of this will come to play in the years to come. What do you see your life heading in the next coming years? Hopefully everyone will be doing what makes them happy. Well folks there is all for now. As always.....Life. Be Great. Do Dope Shit.

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