Apr 12, 2014

Live your life

Yesterday *it was supposed to be uploaded on Tuesday but apparently it wasn't* was my first day of work for the week. Now normally i work at least one weekend day out of the week, but not this weekend. I had requested, and got four straight days off. Originally, I just wanted to take off a thursday to go to the Childish Gambino concert but I thought about taking Thursday through Sunday. After thinking about, I just said fuck it and i just took those four days off. That was the best choices that I have made in a while. not going did I get four days off, I got to  experience new things, caught up with good friends, and just lived. Now I will go into details about my weekend in a later post, but for this one I just want to talk about the importance of living life.

We live in a world where the almighty dollar seems to be the most important thing to most of the world's population. The reason behind thins is you really can not do anything without money these days. in the words of method man, "Cash Rules Everything Around Me C.R.E.A.M." With money, you can bill your bills, put food on  your table, clothes on your back, invest it in the stock market, and save it for retirement.  The only way to gain/earn money is to work and/or hustle for it. For this fact, we see people working jobs they hate, doing illegal things, and working long hard hours to obtain money.  It seems like the only thing people do now a days is work. With the cost of living growing seemly everything day, no one can blame a person for choosing work over living live. At the end of the day, though, this can lead to problems down the line.

While working to make money/earning a living is all good, the one thing work can not give you is life/ memories, and those two thing are something money can not by.Have you ever met an older person that have said" Oh I wished I worked more?' Yeah, neither have I. We  have become so consumed with working that we forget to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.  We do not time the time to just relax and recharge our batteries. Working all the time can led to stress, and it takes time away from ;living your live. You do no waht to look back on life and all your life says about you is you were are a harder worker that never missed a day of work. To avoid this, you can do easy steps to ensure that you will live your life.

One sure fire thing every one can do is pick up a hobby. Whether its is building models, dancing, or painting, doing something that you like or interest you. Another way to live you live is try new things. Now this may scary at first, but you never know what you will like unless your try new this. You have to step outside of you confront zone every once in while to expend yourself. Another thing you can do is go out every once in a while. You can go to a a party, bar, or a club. No if these things do not float your boat, you can catch a move, sports event, comdeny show, open mic, etc.  There are a lot of things a person can go to and have a great time. You can go with you co workers to after work places, or just hang/catch up with friends. The most common easiest way to live life is to travel. Go to different cities,states, countries, and continents and see what lies beyond the place you call home. Fully dive into another culture, try mew things, and imere into new, different, and interesting things.

Now that we have gotten to the end of this post, let me say that in no way, shape, or form am I telling anyone to stop working. All I am saying is that there is more to live than just working all the time. Yes money is important, but at the end of the day, you can not take money with you when you die. Do not become so consumed with working that life is passing you by. Find the perfect balance between working and living so you can make money, h ave a career, and live life to the fullest. Take time to enjoy life each day, even if it is just for a moment. As always ladies and germs, live life, be great, and do dope shit.

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