Apr 19, 2014

Four Day Weekend PT.1 Deep Web Tour

Ladies and germs, once again we are back at it. I am here to let a store, you are here to read it, and *hopefully* be entertained by it. In an earlier post entitled Live Your Life, I mentioned that I had taken a four day weekend and would talk about it later. Well people, the time has come. Now my weekend was so awesome, that it would not do yall, or my experience, any justice by trying to compressed that into one blog. In light of this, I will break this down into two parts. Now I will get into the bulk of my weekend in part 2. For this part, I want to focus on the main reason why I went down to Atlanta for that weekend: To attend the Childish Gambino Deep Web Tour. 

On thursday afternoon, I went to get a rent a car. Usually I get a Nissan but they did not have one so I went with a Mazza 2. I went to the house, packed up my clothes, got some food in my gut, and got on the road, Before I actually got on the interstate, I went to the mall, went to Radioshack, and saw about getting an audio jack. Now for some reason the one I had got thrown away, but I had got insurance on it. Lucky me right? Well unfortunately for me, it did not cover lost/stolen products. Sigh, the struggle is real. I ended up buying a new one. After all of that, I hoped in the car, plugged up my ipod, and got on that interstate.

Now I am on the interstate on my way to Atlanta. It was hot as hell outside so I had the windows rolled down and shit starts flying all out the window. After I got the window issue figured out, my drive went smoothly. On my way down there, I was jamming to Because of the Internet by Childish Gambino. As I am listening to this album, I begin to really get into the songs. I mean I had  the audio system fully blasting, head just bobbing and a little fist pumping in the mix too. I bet the other drivers was looking at me like "What is that ninja in the car doing?" I really did not care because I was just living as usually.

 After about an hour and a half, I got in Atlanta around 3:45 pm and I was greeted by that Atlanta traffic. That was so not the move at all. When i got out off the god awful traffic, I got to the parking lot only to be told it cost to park there. As I began to look for the nearest gas station to get some cash, I got lost. After a good ten minutes of just driving around, I finally find a gas station. I go in, get some cash, drive back and finally got to park. Boy did it feel great to get out of that car and just walk around. Now the concert offered a shuttle bus to the concert, so I hopped on that bus along with the other people. The people on the bus was so diverse. Any and everybody was there. This was only a sneak people of who was going to be at the concert. When we got the the venue where the concert was been held at, it was packed. Everyone from all walks of life was there. There was even some people that was the age of my mom and grandparents. While we were waiting to let in, we could hear Childish Gambino doing his sound check. He was singing a few songs off his album, and he was singing a few Michael Jackson songs. While listening to this, the first thing that pops in my mind is "This concert is going to be EPIC!!!!"

After a hour and a half, they stated letting people into the venue.  As the people were going into the outside concert, the crowd started chanting "WORLDSTAR, WORLDSTAR, WORLDSTAR. WORLDSTAR."
When I into the area that was holding the concert, the first thing I see is the stage .On the stage were the instruments, a couch, a two chairs, and plenty of alcohol. Since the concert didn't start right away, I went and got me some pizza and a beer that the venue was selling. As I go into the crowd, all you can hear are the people taking about how they can not wait for Gambino to hit the stage. The crowd got restless as they were waiting for the concert to start. "WORLDSTAR, WORLDSTAR WORLDSTAR!!"  As the chants grew down, out of no where, a poptart hit the guy next to me in the face. Before you know it, more poptarts was thrown into the crown. Now while this was happening, I was thing "Please do not let one hit me in the face." Then next thing you know, folks start throwing water bottles . The energy was crazy, and people were having a ball while all this was going on.

About 7 pm, a DJ came to the stage. I guess was the warm up to the main show. When he got to the stage, he introduced himself and gave a little background info about himself. He was from Chicago, and he is the personal DJ for Chance The Rapper. When he said that, I was for certain that Chance was going to come to the stage. Sadly, this was no the case. After he got the crowd hyped up, he started doing his thing on the wheels of steel. When I said he was playing any and everything, he really played everything. He played songs from Rock with You by Michael Jackson to Knuck If You Buck by Crime Mobb. Some of the songs he played I had not heard since I was In college. While he was playing these songs, the crowd got really into the set. They were singing the words of the song, and  they were dancing. During his performance, he played a 90s set, a Kanye West set, and a Michael Jackson set. While this was all good, people wanted to see the person they came to see. When the DJ got off the stage, they started to put up the screen for the show. After that, it seem like it took for ever for the tech guys to get the projections lined up. After all of that, after the long wait time, at 8:10 pm EST, Childish Gambino finally graced the stage,

When Gambino got on stage, the crowd went wild. Everybody pushed to the front to get a better view. The once comfortable space I had quick went away. At that point, I knew how it felt to be in a can of sardines. I did not have no room at all, but I did not care. The person I came to see had finally hit the stage, and I knew I was in  for a epic experience. Before he started, he thanked everyone for coming out to the show. Then, the show began. As he was dress in a black sweatshirt and some above knee shorts, he rocked the crowd. He performed all of the songs form Because of the Internet. During his performance, the digital background changed to make the mood and the song he was doing. In between sets, they would be a digital skit as well. The was hype throughout his whole performance, but to me, they were the most live when Gambino performed Sweatpants, 3005, The Worst Guy, and the Worldstar. My favorite song song he performed was Pink Toes. During the performance, his crew had brought some females to the stage, and they began to drink while enjoying the show. While he was performing, Gambino truly looked like he was having as much fun as the crowd was. He was laughing, jumping around, and dancing throughout the show. He was giving the crowd as much energy as we were giving him.

After he preformed the last song off the album, he gave the 4000 people an encore. He would perform hits from his first album as well as song from his mixtape. One of the most memorable part of the encore is some random chick threw her panties on the stage. Gambino asked who threw these on the stage and when the girl reveal herself, he said "They smell good by the way." The crowd went wild, and I was thinking, "Look at this ninja here." After he was done,  the crowd chanted "ENCORE, ENCORE." At this point, you can see that Childish is tired and he is almost on E. Somehow, he did one more encore. It was like the crowd chanting his name gave him all the energy that he needed. He brought another rapper on the stage, and together they had a freestyle session. He was spitting some mad rhymes, and the crowd was hanging on every word of it. After 6 minutes, Gambino thanked the crowd, and exited the stage.

When people realized that there wasn't going to be another encore, they started to leave the area. It took some time to get out of the gate. As I slowly walked towards the gate, I saw some Gambino shirts they were selling. I wanted to buy one of the shirts, but the price of those shirts stopped me from getting one. Near the exit, there was some music playing, As I turned towards the bridge that hovered near the exit, there was a band performing. They had colored smoke coming out, and they were having the times of their lives. When I was a few feet away from the gate, I heard someone call out to me. When I turned around, I saw my pal from college J REED. We caught up for a few minutes, exchanged numbers, and went our different ways.

 I left from concert grounds, and looked for the bus that brought me there. When the bus came and I got on, there were no more seats left on the bus. I though the driver would let me and the rest of the people standing off the bus. That was not the case as the bus took off while we were standing. As I was holding onto the seat is when it hit me why the bus driver always said "sit down while the bus is moving" back when I was in grade school. That was so not the move at all. We finally got to our cars, and I was on my way to my homie Travon crib. When I got there, I caught up with Travon, meet his roommates, and drank some more alcohol. I talked to the to females that were there for a while, and then went to bed.

All in all, this day was definitely one for the record books. I went to my first outside concert on this day. I got to experience an amazing concert, I was around a ton of positive/amazing energy, and I left with memories that will last with me forever. I would not trade this experience for all the money in the world. Well folks, that is all for this part of my weekend. I will tell yall how the rest of my weekend went in part two. As always folks, live life, be great, and do dope shit.

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