Mar 31, 2014

Monday motivation: Dreams/Goals

For some reason, I felt the urge to take about dreams/goals this am. I don't know why, but maybe this is will be a part of somebody's process on their road to greatness and success.
In life, what do you want to do? What do you want to become? If money was not an option, what would you truly do in life? Do you have people that think that your dreams/goals are unrealistic and suggest that you "wake up" and live in reality? 
The reason why I asked all of these questions to make one point: FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS/GOALS. In today's world, it seems like the age of dreaming is slowing dying out. We have people who are not doing what they truly want to do in life. They are settling for a normal life when they are meant for much more.  You were not meant to life a normal life. You were created by the most high for amazing things, but you won't do these things by just playing it safe.
In order to follow your dreams/goals, you will go through a lot. I won't lie, you will have make a lot of sacrifices along the way. Sometimes it will seem like you maybe are wasting your time, energy, money, and life on something that is not either going the way you would like it or not getting the reception that you would like to have. People may/will tell you to give it on it. Hell there will be times that you will convince/talk yourself out of or continuing the road that is ahead.
No matter how hard things may seem, no matter what people will say, no matter how hopeless things may seem, DON'T GIVE UP. If following your dreams and making them reality was easy, everyone would do it. Nothing were having comes easy. It takes the bold, the brave, and the strong will to do this. Just think of every body who wa/is successful. Two things they all have in common is they didn't give up and they worked their asses of until want they wanted became reality. Even after their dream/goals come true,  they still work to keep what they have and gain even more.  They didn't quit before they even got started,  and neither should you.
If you didn't get nothing from this post, I just hope that you will at least think about I have said. If you have a dream/goal that you want to see come true,  then do it. Nothing or no one can stop you unless you allow them to. Dream dreams that no one had ever dreamed,  and then make those dreams and goals a reality. As I close this blog out, I will leave you a quote from the Oscar wining actress Lupita Nyong'o; "No matter where you are, your dreams are valid. " As always, live life, be great, and do dope shit.

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