Mar 21, 2014

The perfect day off

Well the birds out back, the bugs are biting folks, and the weather is FINALLY hitting up. You know what this means????? SPRING IS HERE!!!!!! Now usually I am not excited about spring, but this year I am. The reason why I am so happy spring because it has been a hard winter to say the least. It was super cold, it rained, the wind chill was crazy, and it snowed. Now for most people, they would be excited for the snow. Hell I was until the aftermath of the snow/winter storm. Now I live in the south so it rarely snows down here, but no one was ready for what the snow/sleet/winter storm would cause. Because of the snow/winter storm, the roads frozen over, ice was on the road, people were stuck in traffic for countless hours, and whole cities were shut down. Now that spring is here, we can say goodbye the cold/winter and embrace spring.

Now yesterday was the official first day of spring, along with being the international day of happy but more importantly, I had the day off. If you knew the ish I deal with at work, you will understand why I greatly look forward to my days off but that is besides the part. After i went to a job fair that was a totally bust,but after that, my day was perfect. It was around 1 ish when i felt that job fair and I was hungry. I was in the downtown area so I decided to grab something from there. I went to one of my favorite pizza places and got two slices of meat lovers pizza with mushrooms. Since the weather was so amazing, I decided to eat my lunch outside.\The sun was shinning, there was a little breeze in the air, and the people outside that were also enjoying their food was also enjoying their would while giving off positive energy. All of these elements combined set the stage for the perfect atmosphere to be in/around. That food was so good, a young dude like myself had a mouthgaism. Just thinking about the food is making me want some like right now. The food struggle is so real right about now.

After i spent my time outside enjoying lunch. I wanted to check out the local art museum. I had never been to this museum so you can image that i got lost trying to find the museum. After a good ten minutes of getting lost, I finally found the art museum. Now the museum wasn't that big, but want luck in size it made up in content. Before in get into the art, let me talk about the building for a quick minute. The museum is in an old warehouse. you can see the expose, and somewhat weathered look that gave the building character. When you walk inside, the wooden beams separated the museum into different sections. The inside had a high exposed sealing, and two semi big windows that gave a view of the outside while also letting in sunlight into the room. You can tell I watch HGTV a lit. Now the museum displayed pieces from local artist, as well as pieces that were brought by the museum. The pieces ranged from mixed media to watercolor art.The museum displayed work that was abstract art to realism art. Some of the pieces could even be brought. I did see a piece that I would like to own, but at $1000, that mixed media piece of art stayed hanging on the wall. Maybe one day that piece of art will be apart of my future collection.

After that, I really just stayed at the house. I talked to some of my friends, hanged with my family and jsu enjoyed the rest of my day.All in all, i had the perfect day. I really did not do that much, but I truly enjoyed my day.I think the only thing that could have made that day even better is if I could have share that with someone special, but oh well. As I sit here typing out my replay of yesterday, it jus makes me want another day like the one I had. For now on, once a month, I just going to go around the city and explore it. I  will go to different events, go to new restaurants, and discover new things. hell I make even take a mini road trip and just let the wind guide me along the journey. Well folks that about all of for my description of my perfect day. As always, live, be great, and do dope shit.

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