Aug 12, 2014

The day the world became less funny

I had just gotten home after a long and hard day at work. First thing I do, as always  is say hello to the family, eat dinner, and change clothes.  After I do all of that, I usually get on my phone and see what people are talking about on the social sites. As I scroll down my time line on Instagram, I saw news that really shook my soul and hurt my heart.  On my time line, people were given their condones to an actor/comedian who was found dead in his home. This person has brought a lot of joy and laughs to the heart's of millions. This person that I am talking about is Robin Williams.

Now at first, I did not believe it because someone is always getting killed of via social media every week. I need actual proof that this great man had left this plane of existence.  As I went on the Internet to confirm this information, deep down I hoped that this was just a hoax. I hope that Robin would make a joke about this mistake. Sadly,  this would not happened.  As soon as I googled his name, two distinct headlines popped up. The first one was that Robin Williams had died.  The second one was that he had died from apparent suicide.

Why would a man who brought such much joy and happiness into people's lives decide to just end his own life? As the hours went by, the answer to that question would be revealed.  According to his publist, he was suffering from serve depression lately. As other news sources would reveal his long battle with depression and his struggle with drugs, it just caught me off guard.  I would have never thought some one who was has wonderful as him would be battling with such tough demons. As i proceesed all of this information, it saddened me that he felt so down that he found death as his only solution. It also makes me sad that he felt like he couldn't tell someone about what he was dealing with.

It has been 24 since thus news has broke,  and to be honest I am still hurt and sad about his passing. I think i have seen just about every special tv has been shown about him. This man was a huge part of my childhood. He played in so many movies that I watched as a kid. These movies brought me laugher and joy, and left fund memories of an exciting time in my life. Even as I write this piost, I can't help but to think of some of my favorite childhood movies such as Hook, Addlian, Jack, Ms. Doubtfire, and countless other movies. This man not only touch my life, but countless others as well.

As I close this post, I will leave on two notes. Robin Williams was a great person who brought great joy, laughter, and happiness while he was on this earth. His legacy will be never be forgotten, and the he made us feel will remain with us for life. The other thing is it is OK to get help if you need it. No matter how bad things are going, it will get better and suicide is not the answer.  If you are going through something or know someone who is, then talk to someone and/or get help. The world would be a really dim place without your light so don't blow it out. Once again, rest in paradise Robin Williams.  You will surely be missed,  but definitely never forgotten.

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