Aug 14, 2014

366 days and counting

Well folks, it has officially been a year and day since I began the current chapter of my life; working at Dixie road express. Now I bet yall wondering exactly what I do over there or what is it. Well, basically I'm working at a gas station "shopette" on an army base in Fort Beginning, GA. Now through out this year, I been going through the ups and downs with this job. At first it was alright to work there, but now I just ready to quit. To understand how I gotten to this point we have to start at the beginning.   
Let's rewind back to January of 2013. A young king like myself was a newly college graduate.  I was on top of the world at this point.  I believed that I could get any job that I put in for in a heartbeat. Boy was I wrong. At first, I was just applying at jobs that were paying a good amount.  I figured that I would land one of these jobs with no problem.  Unfortunately that was not the case.  After a few months of getting rejected from these "good jobs", I started applying anywhere.  I applied at grocery stores, fast food places, clothing stores, and basically anywhere else you can think of. You would think that one of these places would have hired me, but no.

One rejection that stands out to me is the one I got from Target. I had a phone interview with the manager and I told everything was going great. In the back of my mind, I knew that I had finally landed a job. Again I was wrong.  After the interview,  the person who was conducting the interview told me that not only did I not get the job, I was not qualify enough for the position.  Not qualify???? How hard is it to be a store associate? Even if I didn't know certain things, I would learn them since they would have to train me. Apparently, Target did not share the same mind set as me.

After months upon months of getting rejected, I honestly gave up on the fact that I would get a job. At this point, I got rejected either because I had a degree or I didn't have enough experience.  It seem like all my friends were landing jobs and I was just doing nothing with my life. My family and friends would tell me that you will get a job eventually. It seem that my eventually was taking forever to get her. All of that would change one faithful Tuesday afternoon.

One random Tuesday on a hot summer day in June, I get a call from my dad talking about a possible job opportunity.  He gave me the number to one of his friends, and after talking to her I went on to apply for the job. About a month and a half later,  I got a call for an interview for the job I had applied for. I went to the interview,  killed it, and got the job. Finally after months of apply, hoping, and get rejected, I finally landed a job. 

Now since I been working there, my experience there has definitely had its ups and downs. When I first got there, everything was good. I was glad to be working, learning new things,  and earing some money.  About 4 to 6 months in. I definitely wanted to quit.  The reason why was I wasn't happy with the job anymore,  I wasn't making much money, I was bored,  and it felt like the job was draining my soul. Then after may of this year, there have been times that if it wasn't for my mom answering my calls while I was on break, I would have definitely quit. Besides the reasons I mentioned earlier,  I wasn't getting along with the new manager *still not by the way*, and to be honest,  I just didn't care anymore.  I didn't care if was late coming to work,  I didn't care if I got in trouble,  I just didn't care about the job at all. Quiting/getting fired would not have been the worst thing to happen.  Over time, I have started to care again, but not that much.  I just in the mind frame of just keep quiet, do what you are told, and leave.

My first official day of working for the company was August 13th and I have been there ever since.  If you would have told me I would be working here for over a year ehen I started, I would have laughed and just say ok if you say so. During my time here, I have seen people come and people go. In fact, there are only 6 people who have been there longer than me. All my other coworkers have left for mostly the same reasons that I have given. I have had plenty of ups and downs with this job. There has definitely been some interesting things happened there as well. The one thing that I am most thankful for is meeting some of the people there. I consider them my good friend.

With all of this said, I am so ready for a new job. I believe I have learned all I can from this job, and with more bills and these student loans piling up, a young king definitely needs some better. Even though I have been rejected by jobs and it seems like history is repeating itself,  I am not worried.  If it took me a long time to get this current job, then I know that something will come along eventually.  As my mom always ssy, I will get a better job when I least expect it. I just gotta keep faith and keep putting in eork, and that is what I plan on doing. Well folks,  that's all for now.  As always,  live, be great,  and do dope shit.

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