Jul 25, 2014

Three things to live by

Well once again,  we have another addition of Life and Times of an Extraordinary Original.  Now for this post, I will talk about something that I always say in all of my post; Live, be great, and do dope shit. Now in an earlier post I did touch on this subject, but for some reason I feel the need to talk about this again. Could I say the same thing all over again? Well that is a strong possibility, but if someone learns from this then so be it. Each thing has its own meaning/value, but it all adds up to one thing in the end : HAPPINESS.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde
From the time you are born, you have a life. Depending on certain things, you can either have a short life or a long life. Rather you are alive for 8 years or 70 years, you can either live or merely exist.
To exist is to do just that, exist. You don't do nothing worth anything. You just go along with the status quo, play it safe, and basically all you are doing is living in the background. You may have dreams/goals that you want to achieve but you don't try to go after them because you are afraid to fail. You just let you dreams die and you live in the world of shoulda, woulda, coulda.
To live is one of the bravest things to do. There's a reason why people say everyone dies but everyone lives. To live means to step out of your comfort zone. To live means to doing what you love. To live means to step out out of the norm. To live, in a nutshell, means to do exactly what you want to do, no matter what other's say.
If I had to give an example of living vs existing, I will use this example. A person is working a normal 9 to 5. The job pays the bills and is a OK job, but this person doesn't like the job. The person has a dream/passion that burns within them that they want to go after and make come true. The person who just exist will not go after their dream, continue to work at their job that they don't like,  and one day say "I wish I would have." The person who lives will go after their dreams. They will be willing to do any and everything to make this dream in a reality.  It make take the person months or years to may their dreams come to. Hell the person may even fail but at least the person has tried and didn't let themselves fall by the waste side.
Be Great
"Success comes in can, not can't" - Unknown
What does be great mean? It means whatever you do, be great at it. It also means to be the best version of yourself. Each person has a something that they are good at. Whatever that may be, be the greatest at it. Don't let nothing or anyone stop you from being great  Each day as a new chance to do something that will improve your life or someone else life.
Every person has the potential for greatness within themselves, yet few people live up to their greatness. Why is that?  Well one of the biggest things that stop people from being great is fear. Whether it be the fear of failing or the fear of rejection, fear will cause a person with God given talent to just settle for less. In order to become great, the first thing you have to overcome is fear. Once you overcome that, you can truly start being great. Most people see fear as a sign to give up. I believe otherwise.  A wise person once said "If nothing never scares you, then you are not dreaming big enough." Don't see fear as a sign to give up. See fear as a sign that you are on the right path.
Another thing that stop being from being great is what people say. A person may have a goal that can come true, but because of what people may say they give up before they even begin. You going to hear people say things like that is a dumb idea, I hope you have a back up plan just in case, or I wouldn't do that if I was you. No matter what you do in life, there will be at least one person that will try to say something that will make you want to give up. I here to say don't do it. Continue to follow that dream that you see, and prove everybody wrong.  Success is the not only the best revenge,  but it also the best way to prove the naysayers wrong.
Do Dope Shit
"Life is what you make it" - Unknown
Each day that you are on this plane of existence is a new change for you to do something amazing. With the amount of time you have in a day, you can do something dope. Now what is considered dope various from each person. What I consider dope is doing something new, being yourself, doing exactly what you love to do, etc.  Doing something dope can be as simple as going to the park to enough the weather or something complex like starting up your own business. Whatever you choose to do, the most important thing is to enjoy it. Life is unpredictable. One minute you are here, the next minute you gone. While you are still, why not do something worth remembering.
At the end of it all, these three values are add up to one thing: HAPPINESS. No matter who you are, every body wants to be happy.  There's no drawn out path for happiness.  Some people will spend their whole life trying to find happiness. Now I am not saying this is a sure fire way to be happy. Each person has their own way to be be happy. I just suggesting a possible way for for something to find true happiness.  If I can help someone find what makes them help, then this post has done something worth wild. That will bring a form happiness to me. Well people, that is all for told. Just like this post say, live, be great, do dope shit.

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