Jun 23, 2014

Pretty vs Beauty

Ladies and germs, here we are once again. By now, yall should know that these topics for my post are totally random. I don't sit down, and think about what I going to talk about.  This ideas just going to me, and this topic is no different.  As I was on the gram *instagram for those who didn't know* I was looking at some random pictures.  As I looked on, I saw some pictures of different females. When I looked at the photos, I saw that all of the pictures showcased pretty females. I saw a few pictures of female that looked gorgeous. As I continued to few this picture, I noticed that not one picture that I saw was showed a beautiful female. I then began to question what does it mean to be beautiful vs what does it mean to be pretty, and ladies and germs that I what I will try to explain on this post.
What does it mean to be pretty?  Well according to dictionary.com, pretty is defined as "pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness: a pretty face". To be pretty is something from a physical standpoint.  In general, to be pretty you have to only look good. Just by that standard alone, there's a lot of pretty people in the world.  There are people who will pay top dollar to be considered pretty in the world's view. While being pretty is OK, what else will that get you? You can get all the complements in the world for you outward appearence, but what about the inside? You have to process more than looks. I have seen a lot of pretty females in my life, but their attitudes make take away from their appearance. Kanye West once said in All Falls Down "the prettiest people do the ugliest things on the road to richest and diamond rings." Looks will only get you so far in life, and after they fade away what do you have left? Nothing, plain and simple. Now that we have defined pretty,  let's move on to beauty.
What does it mean to have beauty?  Once again, we go to dictionary.com for the definition for this words. Beauty is defined as" the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)." To further go on, beautiful is defined as "having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech." Beauty is subjective. If you ask what makes a person beautiful, you will get a million different responses.  Since I am writing this, I will tell you what I found beautiful in a female.  What makes a female beautiful to me is a number of things. It can be as simple as the way she smiles,her laugh, her eyes, and the way she carries herself. It can be complex as the way she views the world, the conversation that we have, her mind, her personality, and other things. I find one thing that really makes a girl beautiful is if she can stimulate my mind. These things among others are what makes a female beautiful to me.
So after reading all of this, you may be wondering what makes me the expect of pretty vs beauty. Well yo be honest, I am not an expert. I just speaking on the experience that I have had. Like I said earlier, throughout my 25 years on this earth,  I have seen my fair share of pretty females.  After getting to know some of these females, their basic/bad personality overshadowed there looks. After that happened, then they just became a basic female.  When it comes to beauty, I can honestly say that I have met a few females that had a few beautiful qualities,  but I have truly have met only one beautiful female in my life.  She had all the qualities that I have mentioned that makes a female beautiful plus she also had a X Factor to her. I would go on about her but that's not what this post is about.
Once again folks, we have come to the end of another post. I gave yall my opinion on what the difference between being pretty vs being beautiful.  At the end of the day, it is up to each person to define the difference between these two terms. As the old phrases goes, "Beauty is in the eye if the beholder. " Well that is all for this post. As always,  live life, be great,  and do dope shit.

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