Feb 15, 2014

The word love: Noun vs Verb

Well its that time. Once again, the earth has revolved around the sun and 365 days later,  we are on February 14, aka valentines day. Valentines Day, or single awareness day to us single people,  it's a day set aside to celebrate love.  Now why people get so worked up over this day is beyond me and not the topic of this blog. Everybody uses the word love now a days. Back in the day, folks rarely used that word, but now it seems to me that the word love has lost some of it's magic since folks say the word so freely.  To me, love has become a thing to me instead of a action.  Some people will disagree with this. So now I raise the question; is love a noun or a verb in today's time? For those who may not get my question,  I will rephrase it.  In today's time, is love a thing or an action.

It seems that about 65% of people use the word love as a noun. Now for those who may have forgotten what a noun is, it is a person, place, thing, animal, or idea.  In the beginning stages, love start off as an idea. You make not recognize it at first when it hits you, but eventually you will figure it out. Now after a person realize they love someone, they are left with two choices; they can either tell the person how they feel or they can choose to not tell the person how they feel. Now if you don't tell the person, then you will regret it and will probably have that "what if" scenario playing in your mind. Love for that person will just remain an idea. If you do tell the person, then you have the possibility of love to change from an idea to a thing.

Now for the sake of this post, let's say that the person you love also feels the same way about you. Now you are in the thing phase of love. These days, a lot of folks are getting stuck at the "thing" phase of love. They claim to love someone,  but they don't put that idea into practice.  They don't treat their loved one right, but expect them to stay. Love is just a title for some people.  They just want it, but they don't put in the work to keep it. By treating love as a thing. Not only are you wasting both of yours time, but you are possibly hindering the person from finding real love in the future. Now if you really love someone, then eventually love will transcend from being a noun to being a verb.

Now there are some people who use love as a verb. In a nutshell,  a verb are words that depicts action.  Examples of this would be kick, pass, take, hit...well you get the picture. People who use love as a verb do so by various means. They don't cheat on their love one, they don't abuse them, they don't ignore them, and they don't act like they aren't lucky to have them. These things, among other things,  are what people should do. In my eyes, people are just not comfortable with putting love into action,  and that should not be the case. Again, I think the source of this is due to today's society, and what is socially acceptable. If you really love someone, don't say it show it.

As the day ends on this valentines day, let's remember the real reason for this "holiday." It's not about who's in a relationship or not.  It's not about if you get a give or not. This day is all about love. To everyone who is coupled with someone, show them that you love them with actions and not words. For those of us who happened to be single,  don't worry about it.  Love will find you. Just make to love yourself before you love someone. To answer the question/title of this post, love is both a noun and a verb. It all depends on how you use it. While love is both a noun and a verb, true love starts as a noun and should eventually transcend into a verb.

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