Oct 30, 2014

What if......

So today marks seven years  to the day that something  happend to me. On this every day, 10-30-207 on a tuesday afternoon,  I met someone  who would life a very lasting impact on my  life.  Now if you have read my previous  post, you know who am referring  to. For those who haven't,  read Nothing  Was The Same. In a nutshell,  I  met someone  special  that day who at the time was nothing but a perfect stranger,  but as time went and passed, she would evolve  from a friend to a person who  means the world to me. Since I  did my last post about  her, has anything  changed.? Did I tell her exactly  how i feel about her? The  answer  to those questions  is no.

The reasons why  is that i still don't  know how to tell her, I didn't where she stayed at, and i knew she was happy.  Well since then, I  have  found  out that she still lives in Atlanta and after talking  to friends, I  came to the conclusion  that I  could  make her happy  as well. Even though all of the advice,  I still haven't said nothing  to her. Part of the reason i haven't  said nothing  is my feelings  for her go on and off , but they stay on must of the time. The other reason  is i honestly  don't  know  what will happen.  As the day has went on, I have been living in the world  of  "what if" about this situation.  "What if".....a world I strongly  recommend  no one pays a vist to.

WHAT IF.....
What if the reason we met that day was for a reason?
What if i had realized  my feelings  for her earlier?
What  if i told her how i feel? 
What if she has/hade the same feels for me as I do her?
What  if we become  a couple?
What if we are  meant  to be/soul mates?
What if all this is happening  to  draw  us together  down  the  line? 
What if we had done this from the start and not wasted  so much time?
Last but not least. ...What  if we are not meant to be?

To be honest, I will probably  never  know the answe to some of these "What ifs" since the  answer to them only  lie in the past. I can speculate  on them as much as I  want, but at the end of the day it wouldn't  change a thing. All I focus  on  is the here and now and the facts.  The facts are; we met 7 years ago, we haven't  seen each other in 6 years, and we haven't  spoken  in a out a year. The facts are that alot of things can happen  during of all of this  time. I know i am definitely  not the same  person I  was back in 2007 and I  know she is not either. If we were to meet, I don't  know if i would  feel  have the same feelings  for the
2014 versions like i do for the 2007 version.

At the end of the day, I can completely  change this whole situation by being up front and just tell her the truth. Tell her how much she means to me. Tell her that I truly miss her. Tell her that i just want her to be happy.  In a nutshell, l can tell her all the things i should  have  told her from the start. After that, the rest is up to her. She can either take accept  my feelings  and return  them, she could  reject them, or she could put me in the infamous "friend zone" area. Anything  would be better than living in a world of "what if". Eventually, I will man up and tell her everything  one of these days and I can move on with my lif3, whether  for better or worse from the  situation.  Hopefully  next year, I won't be writing again about telling her my fellings.  Well folks  that  is all for now.  I usually  say live, be great,  and do dope shit at the  end  of  my post but for this one, I will end it by saying live your truth  no matter  what it maybe.

Oct 21, 2014

Current Mood: BLAH

I don't know what is going on, but lately I haven't been feeling like my usually, awesome self. One my say that I am in a runt. I don't know when this actually began, but one day I just felt nothing. I didn't feel happy, sad, or anything in between. It's like all my emotions have left the building, and I am just a empty, soulless, shell of my former self. It seems like all my creative juices, and awesome vibes have been replaced with just working all the time. In a nutshell, you can say that I Have become a cooperate robot....*Plays horror music*

Now to be fair, I can not blame my current issue on just my job. Everyone has to work in order to do just about anything. I see plenty of my friends working, but still find the time/energy to have fun and enjoy life. Some find time to travel, some find time to party, hell some even find time to start up their own businesses. If everyone else is doing such awesome things, then why can't I do the same as well? To be honest, I don't know.

If I am to be completely honest with myself, I am doing the one thing I am tell people not to do: just exist. I truly not living life to the fullest. In fact, it really feels like I am just settling. Settling with having a job that pays less than $8 a hour. Settling for still being in my hometown while just about everyone i know from her has left and started a new phase in their lives. Settling for living at home with my family. Last but not least, settling for the fact that my dreams, goals, and ideas or just too unrealistic to come true. Boy, when did I turn into a lame version of myself???

What can be down to get my groove back? To be honest, the answer is so simple. Basically I need to do three things. The first thing is to get back to what made me who I am/was in the beginning. That means getting back to my art, getting back to discovering new and exciting music, getting back to writing, and getting back to following my dreams and making them a reality. Basically, I need to reignite, and follow my passion. The second thing is I need to move. I am believe your environment has a huge factor in the energy have. Lately, my current surrounds have not been sparking the creative energy that lies within me. Every time I leave and go out of town of the other hand, I feel inspired once again the the mojo comes back in full force. Last but certainly not least, I have to trust and have faith in the plan that God has for me. Everything happens for a reason, and I do believe all of this is a part of a bigger picture. I believe that for to do what God has planned for me, I have to go through all of this to become a strong and better person than I am currently. The good book say that God will not put more on than you care bear.

In summary, am I a slump right now? Yes I am. Will things get better? Eventually, I don't know when.  In reality, all I truly know is this is happening for a reason. What that reason is I have the slightest idea. Whatever the reason is, I hope that will be able to see it, and learn from the experience. All in all, while things may not be ideal in my life right now, things could be way worse. I won't complain about how things are right. I just going to embrace this phase in my life, learn from it, and my the necessary changes to it. Sooner or later, I will return to my awesome self once again. As chance the rapper say in Good Ass Intro, "Even better than i was the last time baby ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh I'm good." Well folks, that is it for now. Until next time...Live, Be Great, Do Dope Shit.

Oct 10, 2014

One for the record books

Ladies and germs, once again I am here to say some things and hopefully y'all will read it. If you read it, I appreciate it. If you don't read, whatever. Now usually I have a topic that I write about that can be talked about on a broader term,and sometimes I write about something that has happened in my life. Well folks, in today's edition I will be writing about a personal event that recently taken place. Now if you follow me on the gram, the book of many faces, or twitter, then you already know what I am talking about. For those of you who don't, well I am talking about one of the best experiences I have had thus far in 2014. I am talking about none other than the best concert of the year.....Outkast At Last.

Now before I go into details about this amazing event, lets back track to how this all started. So on a random weekday on a hot June day, I was chillaxing as usual and looking through the different social media networks that I am apart of. At this point, I am on the gram when all of a sudden I see a post about an Outkast concert that was taking place in Atlanta in September. Before I got all hyped about what I just saw, I had to reread what i just saw. Outkast....having a concert....near me.....in a few months.....needless to say a young king like myself made it my personal mission to be at this concert.

 A few days later, they revealed when the tickets would go on sell, and it just so happen that day would fall on a day I did not have to work. It seemed as the universe was telling me to go to this event. They also revealed who would be their opening act for that day who just so happen to be two of my favorite artist; Kid Cudi and Childish Gambino.The tickets were going on sell at 10 in the am, and I was determined to go to this concert. I went to be bed early so I could get up and buy a ticket. In the back of my mind I knew would be at this show. Boy was i mistaken......soft of.

Its the day when the tickets go on sell. I get up at 9:30 am, and I am pump to get my ticket. For once reason or another, I end up falling back asleep and waking back up at 10:45 am. To say I was in panic mode would be an understatement. As soon as I got on the Ticketmaster website and tried to buy a ticket, the message SOLD OUT appeared before my eyes. As the words set in, I was truly depressed my one chance to witness the best concert of possibly all time was out the window....or so I thought. It was after reveled that Outkast would be selling tickets for a second show at 2 pm.There was no way I was going to miss this show. When the time came, I had my phone, laptop, and tablet on the website because there was no way on Gods green earth was going i going to miss this chance. So after a hour and 15 minutes, I finally got the all sought after golden egg known as an Outkast concert. 

Fast forward to three months later, it is the day before the concert and I am so ready for it. I have the next four days off so I can truly enjoy the weekend and all that it has in store. I get up and go get my rental car for the trip. I went and got my work out on, then around 1:30 I load up the car and got on the road to Atlanta. About a hour and a half later, I get in Atlanta and then link up with my family. They were in the process of helping my cousin move so I decided to help out. What I thought would be a quick way to kill some time turned out to be about a five hour moving session, but I didn't mind since that is my family. After that, I had to Stone Mountain to hang with my college friends. While I was there, I got my eat on, played some games, and got my drank on. Needless to say after the drinks I was in no condition to drive to the place I was going to crash at for the weekend. So I end up crashing at my friend's house that night. The next day, I wake up with liquor still in my system but after getting some food in my gut, I was back to normal. After a few hours, I got in the shower and then got on the road, heading to Outkast concert.

Now after getting lost a few times in downtown Atlanta, I finally get to my destination. Its about 3:30 pm and there is a line of people that are waiting to get into the venue. After a few minutes, they begin to let us in. As I walked in, the first thing I noticed all the tents that were set up in the park. Then as I walked farther along, I finally saw the stage in which I would witness a performance of a lifetime. Near the stage, they had three screens. On one of the screens, it displayed what time each act was supposed to preform. First up would be Janelle Monae, followed by Future, 2 Chainz, and last but not least Outkast. The first performance wasn't to start until 5, so I walk around searching for something to eat there. As I looked around, I saw that they have pizza, hot dogs, fries, fish and chicken among other stuff. Then they had water, soda, beer, and wine there as well. One thing I notice was the price of everything was high as hell. I mean $9 for one beer??? The fuck??? Nonetheless, I end of up getting my eat on then about an hour later, the show began.

It is 5:20 pm and no one has hit the stage yet. All of a sudden, this dude comes on the stage and starts rapping. Apparently he is a local rapper because the crowd, mostly made up of locals, knew all the words to his songs. This lasted a good 15 minutes and then the real opening acts came up to perform. Each act did their own thing differently, but gave the show a ton of energy. The first person up was Janelle Monae. That is one beautiful woman. She performed songs from both of her albums. There are three things that made her performance amazing. One was she had a live band. When she performed Prime Time and the guitar solo came up, it was just magic. The second thing was that she had fun, and you could tell. She was dancing, acting randomly, and playing around. She even jumped into the crowd for a few minutes. The third thing is the connection to the crowd. You could tell that the energy she was receiving from the crowd was given back to us in tenfold. After she got done, the  DJ played a few records while the next artist got ready to hit the stage. So about 5:45, Future came on the stage. He got the crowd hyped up or "turnt up" as he would say. He performed songs from his mixtapes and albums The one song that he didn't performed that I was looking forward to was Tony Montana. He was on stage for about an hour then the DJ start playing some more records. About 7:20, 2 Chainz aka that artist formally known as Titty Boy came on the stage. Now I not the biggest fan of his so I really did not get into this segment of the concert. He preformed songs that he was the star of as well as song that he is featured on, which is a lot. During his performance, he brought his kid on stage and they seemed to have a good time together. After his last song, he thanked the crowd and exited stage left. All that was left was for Outkast to hit the stage. After the DJ played more records and teased the crowd, Outkast had finally hit the stage.

When they hit the stage, it was about 9:30 in the pm. Big Boi represented Atlanta with the Braves jacket that he had on. Andre 3000 had on a black jumpsuit with a red price tag hanging on the side. He also was rocking a blonde wig and some white shades. As soon as they stepped on the stage, the crowd went wild. OUTKAST!!! OUTKAST!!! OUTKAST!!! OUTKAST!!! That chant went on for about 3 minutes and then they started to perform. They perform songs for all of their albums. They rocked the crowd with those hits, and the crowd were singing the lyrics word for word. Some of the songs they performed together was Rosa Parks, B.O.B,Git Up Git Sum, So Fresh So Clean, SpottieottieDopelicious, and the Whole World just to name a few. During their performance, they brought out Sleepy Brown, Bun B, and Big Gipp from Goodie Mob. About half way into their set, they separated to preform their own songs.First up was Big Boi. He preformed Kryptonite,The Way You Move, and Ghetto Muisck just to name a few. Next up was Andree 3000, and he performed Prototype, Hey Ya, and a few other songs. While he performed He Ya, he brought a few females from the crowd and they were dancing to the song. They would get back to perform a few more songs together. Towards the end of the show, the introduced their band, and the back up singers. After one more song, the show had ended, They had performed one encore, but I didn't stay to listen to it. The park was packed, and a young king was not trying to get stuck in the park, downtown Atlanta, and/or in that traffic.

All in all, I had an amazing time at this concert. It was everything that I expected and more.The music was great, the energy was amazing, and the crowd was crazy. This is probably the best concert they I have been to in my 25 years of living. I will have memories that will stay with me for a life time and then some. Hell if I ever have kids, I will most certainty tell them about the time that I almost didn't see Outkast performed, but had an amazing time at their concert. Well folks, once again it has come to the part where I end another post. Thank you for reading this and as always.....Live, Be Great, Do Dope Shit.