May 29, 2014

New Legends

Well ladies and germs, today's post is made on a somber and hopeful out look.  As you make know, we lost a hero, a pioneer, a trailblazer,  and most importantly a legend.  The person in who I speaking about is none other than Dr. Maya Angelo. Through her life, she was a champion of freedom and equality.  She touched the world through stories, poems, and music. With her 86 years of life,  she received many awards, honors, but more importantly, she changed the world.  With her words, she inspired people to love themselves, respect themselves, and thrive for greatness.  As she transcend into a higher plane, we are left with one less light in the world.  With her passing, I start to think about the legends that have left their mark on the world and how they are leaving this plane of existence.  I as being yo think about who will fill in the void they have left behind.  In a sense,  I started to wonder "Who and where are the legends?" 

Now before we begin look for our new legends, we have to figure out what qualities qualify a person to be a legend. These qualities my vary from people to person, but at the end I believe there are a few qualities that all legends share. One quality is a urge to change an aspect of the world.  Whether they be equal rights for all mankind, rights for animals, or just peace. Whenever there is a need for a change in the world, these people take the charge and set out to make that change. Another quality is that people believe in their cause. You can have a great movement/cause but if no one supports it,  then the message will not grow.  A great cause is just like a fire. It takes only a spark to set it off, but without the right environment, the fire will surely die out. Another quality that I believe is needed for a legend is something dramatic has to happen to the person to change the person for the person.  This event can either directly or indirectly happen to person. Most times, this event with set in motion the process of a person becoming a legend. At the end, i believe these are the most important quality in a legend.  One is when the person becomes the face of movement/cause they have either started or became a part of. Even after the person is gone, they will be remembered as the face of that moment. The other quality is the X Factor.  The X factor is something that can't be described.  It is just something that you feel and see. The most important quality in any legend is the power to influence other people.

Now when I think about legends, the people who come to mind are people like Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Malcolm X,  Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, Steve Arwin, Bob Marley,  and Ghanda. What makes these people legends are all the things that I have mentioned plus so much more. These people have changed the world in various ways.  In fact, these legends have inspired other legends in the process. Along the way, these people became well known, had a following,  and begin changing the world. As they became famous and powerful,  ne thing that these legends did not do was let it go to their.  No matter how well known these people became, they did not look down on other people/think they were better than anyone. 

Now that we have talked about these past legends and what it takes to be a legend,  the question is are who are the new legends in today's world? To be honest, I have the slightest idea. I have not seen anybody who is legend. Some people may say that our president,  Barrack Obama, is a legend. I do not see it like that. If anything, he is a great speaker, and depending on who you ask he b is a great leader. He has could be a legend one day, but as of right now, he cannot be called a legend. Back to the question at hand, while right now we don't have any new legends that we know of, I honestly believe that we have people who are in the beginning process of becoming a legend.  The crazy thing is that these future legends don't even know what they will become. The interesting part is legends come out of all walks and of life and can be anyone. Hell, chef keef could be a legend that change the world one day. Just keep in mind that before he became Malcolm X, he was once Malcolm Little.

Where are the new legends?  There are out there in the world. They  may not be known to the world right now, but one day their influence will be felt through out the world and they will eventually change the world. They will cause people to wake up,  and challenge people to think and question what they believe.  Who knows who will become a legend.  Every one has the potential to become one. Who knows, the person who read this may become a legend.  Hell even I may be a  legend some where down the line. Now that would definitely be one for the record books. Well folks,  that's all for now. As always, life, be great, and do dope shit.

May 16, 2014

The Struggle Is Real But God Is Greater

As I look at my phone to see what time it is, the first thing that comes to mind is that I should be sleep because I got work in a few hours. Even though I should be sleep, I can't go to sleep. Why you may ask? Well I have been thinking about the things that have happened within the past 48 hours. To be honest this have not been the best few days, but today was really when i felt like I hit rock bottom, As the day continued on, I got to start thinking about everything and realized that everything is not as bad as it seems. As I was about to sleep, this whole thing kept on being on my mind. I believe I supposed to write about this to not make to just tell my story, but to also help someone who may be going through something similar. So with that being said, here we go.

Wednesday, there was a job fair so I decided to go to it in hopes of finding a better job. When I got there, there was companies there, but they were for jobs outside of my city. On top of that, it was mostly for jobs outside of Georgia. I go to the different booths to see want jobs they had, but nothing really caught my attention. After a while, I got to one booth and talk to the man representing the company. Now we was  talking for a good minute so in the back of my mind, I felt like I was going to hear some good news. Sadly this was not the case. Basically in a nutshell, he said he couldn't think of any positions that would fit me. After that, I felt the job fair. Later on that day, I checked my email. I receive an email from a job that i had applied for. When I read the email, it said that they have found another candidate that was better for the job. I have gotten so used to this emails that it doesn't bother me now.

Fast forward to Thursday, things really turn south. Now I was at work when this happened. I was on my break and once again decided to check my email. Turns out that the first email was from the company that I work for. It was regrading a job opening that had at another store. It was basically the same job that I have now. The only difference is that I could get holiday/vacation pay, and there could be chances to move up in the company. Before I opened the email, I that I was going to get this job. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The email stated that they have found other candidates that was more qualified for the job. The first thought that came to mind was "What The Fuck? How am I not qualified to do the EXACT SAME JOB?" To say that I was in a funk would be an understatement. When I got back from break, I did not want to be there at all. I really just wanted to quit a few times that day.

 As the day went on, I calmed down and thought about it.I just didn't think about these past two days, but just life in general. I was thinking why do I keep getting turned down for jobs. When i say i have applied for just about every job that I can think of, that would be an understatement. If you look in my email, you would see the many "thanks for applying for the position but we have found a better fit candidate." Like what do In have to do to work for you? I also thought about own it seems like I do almost do everything at work, but I still make shit. Like my cousin makes more money than I do, and I am the one with the college degree. As these thought flooded my mind, I was reminded of a quote that I saw on the internet. "Rejection is God's Redirection." That one quote made everything clear.

Why am I not landing the jobs that I apply for? Well to be honest, I maybe either not the right person for the job or these people think I will just quit when another job comes along.....which is true. In the bigger picture of these, I not supposed to be working at those companies. The other people who are more qualified for the jobs probably needed those jobs more than I do. that job could be the blessing that God has placed in that person's life. Another reason could be that I am not in the right place for the right job, and honestly I truly believe that. One more thing that I believe is that those jobs could distract me from doing what I am truly meant to do on this earth. With this blog, I feel like this will open doors for greater opportunities. Along with the blog, I also want to start a t-shirt line. I feel like my my t-shirt line can really be great. In the end, I know I am meant for greatness, and those job could have stopped me from achieving greatness.

"Rejection is God's Redirection." What is God is redirecting me to?  I have no idea. Only he knows what is in store for me, and what it will take for me to get to where i am meant to be. Maybe God is testing me. Maybe he is seeing if I will still praise him doing this hard spot.  Maybe all of this is to humble me. Maybe this is all setting me up for something else. Who knows but only god. Until the time comes, i will continue to work for the little money I make, work on my passions, look for better jobs, and  continue to have faith. At times like this, two bible sayings always pop in my mind. God always have a ram in the bush, and all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed. To close this out, I will say to anyone who is going through a hard time in life is trust in God, and trust in the process. Everything we are going through is all apart of a bigger plan that we can not even think of. Also, there is no such thing as a bad experience. Everything we go through is meant to teach us something, help us grow, prepare us for something great, or a little of all three. Well folks, that's all i have to say. As always, live life, be great, and do dope shit.