Sep 14, 2015

Words I Could Never Say

Well folks, if you are expecting this to be some kind of day in the life/pop culture/live event post, then this is not that kind of post for today. In fact, I do not know what exactly this post will end up saying. You may be wondering why I am writing this for. To be honest, I do not why myself. I just felt complied to write. this, like something drawing me to type all of this out. Really, this is more like getting this of my soul and lifting some baggage of my self. This post is basically saying the things I wish I could tell a special someone. So here we go....

To that special someone,
It has been about 7 years since we last saw each other.
A lot has happened between then and now.
The times have changed. The world has changed. We have changed
Between the distance from the last time we saw each other until this very moment, we have both grown, went/still going through life, and experience different things.
We are not the same people that we was once were back in the days of the valley.
In the time between then and now, I have realized a thing or two.
I have realized that since that time, I have missed you dearly.
I have realized that I am a fool for not keeping in contract with you.
I have realized how special you are to me.
Last but not least, I have realized two important things.
Those things are that I loved you, and I should have told you that back then.

Why didn't I tell you this back then, or even now.
Why do I feel this way.
The reason I din not say anything was I honestly did not thing I had a change with someone like you.
In my eyes, I was just a regular ol joe and you were perfect.
I did no think a person like you would want anything to do with a person like me.
On top of that, I had some issues that I felt like I needed to handle alone, so I pushed you away and destroyed our friendship.
Even though we fixed things, nothing really was the same afterwards,
We eventually drifted apart.
But in that time apart, I realized how I felt about you and the reason why.

I loved you because you saw me as a person.
I loved how we would just hang out, eat at the café, and go to different stuff around the campus.
I loved how your smile could brighten up my day.
I loved how your light/energy could bring out the best in in me.
I loved how you accepted me as I was, and did not try to change me.
I love how we could just be silly around each other, no matter who was around.
In all, I loved the person that you were...mind, body, and soul

Now I know that we both have our own life.
We both are own paths on this journey called life that has taken down different roads.
The us then vs the us now are two different people.
You are living your live right now and I am doing the same.
But no matter where life has/will take us, one thing will never change.
Your were, still, and always will be someone special to me that I hold dear.

Now on the off change that you will read this, you maybe thing I am trying together with you.
While I would like for us to be together, this is no the point of this.
By now, you are probably a lucky man's lady and are happy together.
That is all I want for you is to be happy, whether that be with me or someone else.
I want you to be successful in whatever you do in life.
I want your light to shine in this world.
I want you to do want ever makes you happy in life.
All in all, I just want you to be happy.
who knows what the cards hold for us.
Maybe one day, if the most  high will allow it, we will once again meet up and be in each others lives again.
If that ever happens, then these words that I am typing now will transform into words that I can tell you.