Jan 31, 2014

The Most Valuable Thing Known to Man

Well ladies and germs, it been a few weeks but here we are again with the blogging and what not. I hope everyone is have an amazing year thus far and are full filling all of the goals that you have set for yourself this. Even if have last focus/haven't lived up to you goals, then don't beat yourself up over it. It's not important how you started, it's all about how you finish so just get back to it. Now since we got that little motivational speech out of the way, let's get to the topic at hand.
It seems to me that people want more out of life than ever before. Some people want to travel, while some people want to find a better job/start a career/be their own boss. Some people want to be successful, while some people want to settled down, get married, and start a family. While these things are our dreams/goals that we want to accomplish, there is one thing that is needed to make these things a reality that I don't see many people talk about. This thing is more valuable and precious than money, silver, and good. Once this thing is gone, you can never get it back or replace it. This one thing is want many people wish they had. The thing in which I speak of and will be the focus of this blog is......*wait for it*......time.
Time is the one of the most important tools  in life when you think about. Depending on how you use your time,  you can accomplish a lot of things in your life. Time affects how your life will be. More importantly, your time management skills will dictate rather you have a good life or a bad life. The most successful people in life favor from having time skills. One thing that always stuck to me, in reference to time, is something Sean "Diddy" Combs said about time on an interview on The Breakfast Club. He said on the interview "I have the same 24 hours just like everyone else." A lot can be done with 24 hours. Idea's can be formed, plans can be executed,  and dreams/goals can true.
If time is so valuable,  why do folks waste it? Well besides the fact some people just don't have time management skills, I believe that folks think that they an infinite amount of time when this is the far from the truth.  From the time we are born, we are born with a timer that will eventually run out. The only person who knows when our times is up is God. I can not tell you how many time's I have said "I will do this tomorrow or when I have more time." I have seen people waste time in jobs that they hate instead of pursuing what they really want to do/be in life. I have also seen people wait to tell someone how they feel about someone, and when the person finds the courage to finally tell the person, that person is with someone who didn't waste time a told the person how they feel.  I believe that people would not waste the time that God has given us if we knew exactly when our time was up.
No matter how much time you have on this earth,  you can do amazing things with it. You can either have a short life with meaning/purpose or you can have a long dull life. When I think of who have done amazing things with the limited time they had on the earth, I think about people like Amy Winehouse,  Jimi Hendrix, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Notorious B.I.G., Heath Ledger,  Paul Walker, and John Lennon. All of these people changed the industry that they were apart of, and some of them even changed the world.   One person who did a lot with the little time he had on earth was Tupac. Before his death,  Tupac stared in 8 movies, and record enough material to have 13 albums.  Tupac all of this by the time he was 25 years old. He is considered one of the greatest rap artist of all time. Not only was he an amazing rapper, he also care about his people, and he wanted to see them do/become better. Just imagine what more he could have done if he was still around.
There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in a hour, 24 hours in a day, 7 days in week, and 52 weeks in a year. We don't have as much time as we like to think that we have. What will yo do with all of that time? Will you decide to use your time wisely, follow your dreams, do something great, and leave a legacy behind? Will you waste the time god has given you and not live up to your potential? At the end of the day, the choice is up to you. To better reflect on the this issue, look at the two videos on the bottom of that was made by SpokenReasons. To end this, I will leave you with a quote by SpokenReasons.  "While you're sitting there, holding your thoughts, over analyzing the situation,  just know there's someone already doing what you are thinking."

Jan 14, 2014

The one thing we don't share

In today's world,  it seems like we share everything for the world to see. From pictures to videos,  95% of the world population likes to include 100% of the world with our every moves in our day to day life. While the reason behind this is unknown, the advancement of social media sites such as twitter,  vine, and instagram only adds to ever grow trend in this phenomenal. Combine this with the fact that everyone has a cell phone makes it easy to share your world with the entire world.  Even though it seems like we are more connected thee ever, in reality we are further from the truth in a sense. While we share countless photos and videos for the world to see, the one thing that a growing number of people are afraid to share are their thoughts and emotions with the one person we care about the most. I think there are many reasons behind this but I'm going to focus on just two for the sake of this post.
The first reason is no one what's to be vulnerable to that one person who means the most to them. Now usually the word vulnerable is used to describe a weakness of some kind, but that's not what I mean.  In this case, being vulnerable means to share your feelings, and being 100% opened up to the person. These days, expressing/sharing  your feelings or even "catching feelings" seems to be considered a weakness. When did it come to a point where feelings is considered a weakness or, in some cases,  a disease? To me, it just boils down to that people are afraid to open because they don't want to be hurt and/or get used. While this is a legitimate reason,  you can't be afraid of your feelings/love. Just because this may have happened before does not mean it will happen again.  True love and feelings won't never hurt you.
The second reason why people don't share feelings because they do not what to seem thirsty.  Now if you don't know what the term "thirsty" means, it basically means being overly anxious for something or someone according to the urban dictionary.  Now you may be wondering how does fear of seeming thirsty stop people from sharing feelings.  Well let's say two people are talking to each other. Now because they don't want to seem thirsty, they will wait for the other person to hit them up first. Over tine, this will affect both parties and no will want to be the first one to start of a conversation.  Next thing you know,  they will drift apart, stop talking to each other, and their feelings will slowly fade away. Now this may seemed farfetched,  but things like this happen more often these days.  Now exactly when folks started thinking speaking first or sharing your thoughts is thirsty is beyond me. All I know is that is one of the dumbest thing I ever heard off. If you are afraid of seeing thirsty, just say fuck that and just go for it. You don't want to miss out on a good thing over something society deem is bad.
I guess what I saying is SHARE YOUR FEELINGS, YOUR THOUGHTS,  AND BE VULNERABLE TO THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE. If you don't, not only will you be missing out on a possible good thing but you will regret it. I know that's not one of the coolest thing to do these day but screw that. Don't let fear, the past,  or society stop you from being happy.  As the philosopher know as Drake said in his song From Time, "Who the fuck wants to be 70 and alone?" That's what happens when you don't share your feelings.