May 31, 2013

Trapped inside the matrix

It is amazing how I think of the most randomness things and somehow find a way to make my thoughts make sense. I low-key believe my IQ could be so high that there isn't a way to measure it, but I digress.....I am not here to talk about how smart I secretly think I am. Today, my post is a somewhat squeal to a previous  blog I did about the movie THE MATRIX. In the post, I talked about how the movie how certain aspects of my life soft of mirrored that movie. In the post I will be talking about the real life matrix that so many people are trapped in. 98 % of the world is caught up inside this matrix.  Some people know it and some don't know it. Have you guessed what the real world matrix is? Well if you haven't, I will tell you. The matrix is none other than social media.
Since I don't know when social media actually popped of, I will use the year I was introduced to a.starting point as far as a timeline for this. So back in 2004, social media begin to go mainstream with a site called blackplanet. That was a site mostly for black people. Now fast forward to about mid 2005, the world was introduced to MySpace. This really was a game changer because you could share your pics, music, videos, and more importantly your thoughts/feelings to any and everyone. Because of MySpace, the way we interacted with people changed forever. Soon after that, social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and instagram became a must have in the world.

Another big millstone in the social matrix had to do with cell phones. Before smart phones came out, you had to use computers to use these sites. Now there's an app fora just about all social media sites. When a person sees something now, all it takes a few clicks of a button from your phone and all things can and will be shared from the comfort of your phone. When this happened, the social matrix began its takeover.

With this millstone, people began to broadcast everything they did/do for the world to read and see. People began to post more pics and videos of any and everything. More and more, people began to share their life's for the world to see. People began to  connect with people more through  cyberspace and disconnected from the real world. Folks would rather talk to someone through these sites than speak to a person in the real world. This led to an uprising epidemic know as cyber confidence.

Cyber confidence is the act of telling a person something that should be said in person. Because of the number game and  like this and I will tell you something, folks began to relayed on these sites more than ever before. What they couldn't tell someone face to face they told the person on a computer screen. In doing so, folks have lost the connection between person to person interaction and instead relied on technology for basic human interaction/interpersonal skills.

Then people stopped being themselves as well. Instead of being themselves, they portray a person that they think others want them to be. And for what, just to gain some new people that they may never meet in the real world? Or to be someone that they wish they  could be? By doing this, they begin to live in the matrix and disconnect from the real world. It gets to a point that some people act like their cyber self in the real world. The matrix has them believing that version of themselves is the only one people will like.

So now the question is how do people free themselves from the matrix. Well the only true way is to destroy social media all together. Since that's not going to happen, a more realistic solution is to spend less time in cyberspace and/or have more confidence in yourself. If folks they like you for being yourself, they you don't need to try to befriend them/impress them. Also by spending less time on social media, you can meet real life people, network, and gain enhance those interpersonal skills that will be so helpful down the road called life. So in the end, social media is OK as long as you don't let it consume you, guide you, and disconnect you from the real world.

May 17, 2013

Things I dont get part 2

Well once again, we have another installment in the things I don't series. For this installment, I will be dealing with a interesting topic to say the least. In this installment, I will be dealing with an epidemic that is sweeping across the African American community. The affect of this epidemic can be seen in both male and female. This will have people going against some of the very principles that are rooted deep down in their souls. It is more powerful than a F5 tornado, and it is more addictive than crack , so I've heard. It will make you stop doing everything you are doing at that time. In fact, some people will even leave work earlier just for it. If you haven't figured out what this epidemic is, I will tell you. This epidemic is........,*wait for it* the t.v. show SCANDAL.

For does who don't know what this show is about. I will give you a brief description of the main plot of  the show. So the president of the USA is having an affair with his former employee which just so happen to be a black chick. The black chick helps out of sticking problems along with her team. If you want to know more, google, wiki, and Netflix are at your disposal. Now that we have that little bit of info, next get on with this blog post.

The thing I don't get about this show is why are black people, especially females, are so into this show. Don't get me wrong, this show sounds like it's good/interesting just based off the main plot of the show. If you be on any social media site during the time scandal is on, you will see black females rooting for the prez and the black chick AKA the side chick love.  I guess the prez is in a loveless marriage and really wants to be will the black chick. So basically, black females or supporting cheating.

In the black community, there are three main things that will hit a bad spot with our females 1. A black dude dating a white guy  2. Cheating 3. Realizing they been dating a nigga "read the first post to understand what I mean". So if cheating is a big no no, then why do they support this affair? I asked one my home girls this question and the response was interesting. "He doesn't love his wife, he would rather be with the black chick than his wife but can't. This is just a modern day Romeo and Juliet." If this is the case, why don't he just leave his wife. If it is really true love, then nothing should stop him from being with his true love.

Now I know this is just a show, but it means a lot in a bigger picture. By watching this show, black females are basically saying that it is ok to cheat in certain instances. Will this be a new trend among black females who are not in love with the person they are with? Or is it ok because this just a tv show? What if president Obama was in this same situation? Would our mothers, sisters, aunts and cousins support him or disown him? Something  for y'all to think about.

At the end of the day, this is just a t.v. show. These are not real people, and should not make us care about them but we do. What message are we sending the world when people watch this show? Better yet, what is this how relaying to us, especially the younger viewers? It is up to us  what we will allow, and support because this is not only a show, it is a representative of the African American female as well.